Looking for companies in Singapore having demand on Zinc Oxyt and Zinc sulphate heptahydrat


Dear business partners,

Bao Au Joint Stock Company would like to look for partners in Singapore who are interesting in some the following products:

  1. Zinc oxyt (ZnO) 90%
  2. Zinc sulphat heptahydrat (ZnSO4.7H2O) 98% min

Details of these product, please find out in the attachment.

Address of Bao Au Joint Stock Company: 4th floor, Viettel Building, BinhThuan str., Lot 26, Tan Quang district, Tuyen Quang province, Vietnam.

Tel: +84 2076 288 686 Email: baoaucompany@gmail.com


For more information, please contact Vietnam Trade Office in Canada at Ca@moit.gov.vn