Can your product(s) enjoy this FTA’s tariff concessions?


Step 1: Find out what is the preferential rate offered for your product.

Step 2: Find out your product’s rules of origin

Rules of origin are a set of criteria which determine a product’s originating status in each respective FTA. It is put in place to ensure that only goods originating from the FTA partner countries will benefit from tariff concessions.

How to apply, if your product(s) can enjoy tariff concessions:

Under the CPTPP, exporters will simply need to self-certify that the exported product meets the CPTPP rules of origin criteria to qualify for preferential tariff treatment. There is no standardised format for the self-certification, however certain minimum data requirements identifying the goods must be fulfilled. Annex-3B Minimum Data Requirements of Chapter 3’s Rules of Origin and Origin Procedures details the requirements.

For more information, please contact Vietnam Trade Office in Canada at