Vietnam climbs 9 places in the Open Budget Survey 2021


Vietnam ranked 68th of 120 countries in the 2021 Open Budget Survey (OBS), up nine places from 2019 and 23 notches compared to 2017, according to the Ministry of Finance.

Vietnam climbs 9 places in the Open Budget Survey 2021

It is notable that Vietnam has seen improvements in the scores of all the three measures, namely public participation, budget oversight and transparency, which have the respective scores of 17/100, 80/100 and 44/100.

Such results have demonstrated Vietnam’s efforts to enhance budget openness and transparency.

In addition to the continued implementation of the 2015 Law on State Budget in a manner that expands the publishing scope of state budget, Vietnam has also adopted international practices related to budgeting.

At the time, the forms of publicising information on state budget are also diversified, making it easier for the people to access information and actively take part in the budget formulation and monitoring processes.

The Open Budget Survey is an initiative of the International Budget Partnership with the aim to assess the level of accountability in national budget processes in more than 100 countries around the world.

Source: Nhan Dan (June, 09, 2022)

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