The couple wants to ensure their children are raised in a diverse area. C) not required to disclose the information because the agent has no agency relationship with seller. I recommend if you are interested, you have the house inspected by a professional. B. Paul. b. innocent If two licensees, who are not REALTORS, have a monetary dispute, they A real estate broker hired by an owner to sell a parcel of real estate must comply with an expiration of the agreement. For the years ended December 31, 2013 and 2012. No, Alonzo is required to post all listings in the MLS. C) Which is TRUE? Patty prepares a CMA prior to the appointment, and then shows the property to her prospect, buyer Larry. 4 Q . To settle this agreement, they can D. not call the sellers; REALTOR Linda has told her everything she needs to know. Eddie and Sacha Howard and Owen chat about the features of the house and Howard seems to be interested. The seller, Morgan, contacts Buyer Valerie independently and informs her that the property is for sale. A. the co-operating commission originally offered by Nelson. This is a violation of the duty of loyalty known as ___________. In an arbitration dispute, the fact that Jim initially introduced Ken to the property favors Subsequently, he calls her several times a week, sends her e-mails, and mails a packet of additional information. The principal is looking for vacant land to purchase to develop. I have no experience selling commercial properties but I would be happy to take on the challenge. A. call the MLS to alert them that REALTOR Linda is not sharing all of her listings. B. C. yes, because electronic contracts are not valid D) If REALTOR Shelley wishes to file an arbitration request, against whom does she file it? C. more compelling than any efforts made after the open house by Paul and it favors Roger. Which statement is TRUE of a real estate broker acting as the agent of the seller? A) the buyer and the seller are represented by the same company. B. unethical. Questions Only As a manager, what factor would be paramount in your mind in deciding whether to purchase the new equipment? This is a violation of the duty of loyalty known as _________. A) tell the seller that the defect must be repaired. The company has a large amount of unused capacity and is studying ways of improving profits. C. large, four-bedroom on a quiet cul-de-sac lot B. property profiling. What fiduciary duty did the buyer's agent violate? Browse over 1 million classes created by top students, professors, publishers, and experts. A statement that the disclosed dual agent may disclose any information to one party that the disclosed dual agent gains from the other party if that information is relevant to the transaction, except: (1) The willingness or ability of the seller to accept less than the asking price; should present to the seller only the highest offer for the property. C) C) REALTOR Carlos has a listing. D. I think youll get more than half with me as your REALTOR., 112. C) A. another broker showed the property to Travis. D. A quiet condominium community situated close to downtown hotspots, 123. D) The agent is. being primarily responsible to the customer. Refer to the original data. Statements not known to be false at the time they are made are called _____ misrepresentations.