A detention pond can cost less to implement than a retention pond because they are generally smaller (even if the range for depth is larger) Disadvantages A detention pond still. Like detention ponds, they too can be used to control heavy water runoffs and settle pollutants in the water. By capturing and retaining stormwater runoff, wet retention ponds control stormwater quantity and quality. <> Learn more. N-^WJCQoU8lgL^laYXk lq5!JWDlpDS|WqxHlwaB#5nJy>y8b5:ypcluxqu6/*W!9?G! Ponds can be part of public open space. PDF Module 19: Treatment Ponds and Lagoons - Department of Environmental Also, removing sediment and debris from the pond before it reaches the outlets and beautifying the surrounding banks with grass, shrubs, and other vegetation. endstream endobj 640 0 obj <>stream Disadvantages Requires a large amount of space. But when theres a lot of rainfall, the pond will briefly fill up before returning to its natural state. endobj A well-designed, regularly maintained detention pond should never become gross and putrid, as most detention ponds often do. This leads to a smelly, greenish-brown pond that can easily flood into nearby areas. Despite the lack of aesthetic qualities, detention ponds are much better at providing flood protection to their locality, than retention ponds. Raccoons, snakes, lizards, territorial swans, and all manner of potentially dangerous creatures will begin populating an unkempt detention pond. Lesson 18: Stabilization Ponds Below a certain depth, the solution has a uniformly high salt . Detention ponds, for instance, have steep sides and usually arent meant for swimming or recreational activity. Can have a multipurpose use if constructed correctly. They can also negatively impact water quality if they are designed poorly. Retention ponds are simple if space is provided. 12 0 obj This water is reabsorbed into the earth and enters our rivers, oceans, and groundwater. In order to prevent these hazards from causing a negative impact, detention ponds must be well maintained and built properly. As rainwater falls to the ground, it navigates its way to one of these ponds and is permanently stored. <> As communities grow, the need for diverting water increases. Dry detention ponds are best used in areas where there is ten or more acres of land. %PDF-1.4 Instead, they maintain a certain amount of water, achieved by underground pipes. TRUEGRID pavers, for example, allow stormwater to pass right through them and into the ground below. 1. Depending on the design of the retention pond, local property owners may consider it an eyesore. The most common way of managing storm water is creating man-made storm water basins. However, make sure you fulfill all legal requirements before you go ahead with the project. Only the excess runoff is discharged through the barrel to an external water body. Similar to a dam, its a means to contain and hold runoff, allowing water to build up on site. Detention times range from 10 to 30 days,with 20 days the most typical (shorter detention timesuse higher intensity aeration). Higher stages in the basin can also attenuate the peak rates of runoff from larger storms for flood and erosion control. These ponds can hold a large amount of water, which then slowly drains through the bottom of the structure. The basic difference between retention and detention ponds are that retention ponds remain full/wet, whereas detention ponds dry out between storms. New plant and animal habitats are created. Unlike the retention pond, the detention pond will become dry once all of the water has been released or evaporated. 20 0 obj 8 0 obj Retention and Detention Basins 0.50-1.00 Cost range reflects economies of scale in designing this BMP. Our rapidly deployable TrapBags can be used to set up a stormwater containment pool or pond in a short time. In between storms, detention basins are completely dry, often blending in with the rest of the landscape. AmenityBasins offer many opportunities for the landscape designer. Advantages Retention ponds work to control stormwater by retaining and treating contaminated stormwater runoff. <> Stormwater is caused by excess rain, snow, or melting ice that the ground cannot absorb quickly enough to prevent flooding. 7 0 obj 3. Potential for negative water quality if not designed right. The disadvantages of detention basins include their large space requirement. Some grasses need weekly mowing, and others can be maintained a couple of times a year. can help. n:'6(l]HJ{6| YaLZ]W[;|D't?zU3%0;?7t&j={'E: n.=\ll|YFn*L}H3. endstream endobj 637 0 obj <>/Metadata 44 0 R/PageLabels 632 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 634 0 R/PieceInfo<>>>/StructTreeRoot 84 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 638 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 639 0 obj <>stream <>stream <> Learn How! PDF Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet - US EPA "!qAl0s +)\* `sDx>ZHJ,LE.wJgPbLj6dPfn? PDF Stormwater Management: BMPs - Michigan If done well, these fixtures also provide aesthetic beauty to the area, which may increase the value of the property. Higher stages in the basin can also attenuate the peak rates of runoff from larger storms for flood and erosion control. Water is diverted to a wet retention pond by a network of underground pipes connecting storm drains to the pond. Detention and retention ponds are the two major categories of basins, and well look at both of them today. Because retention ponds are designed to hold water permanently, they have an opening, or orifice-like drain, above the natural level of the water instead of at the bottom of the pond. Let us take a closer look at the differences between detention ponds and retention ponds, about their purpose, effectiveness in controlling flood water, construction, and maintenance costs. (239) 674-6611, Solutions Stormwater runoff becomes contaminated when its not properly managed. These ponds are not suitable for arid areas and urban areas, due to the lack of space and water supply. TRUEGRID permeable pavers, on the other hand, are made with 100% recycled plastic and only work in balance with nature. Detention basins - Susdrain `# ~a8ivHjy2_diw"sfGDl2lG] This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Not only does this land have to be sectioned off in most cases, but its also a running expense that requires regular maintenance. They are usually built for large areas of land and are not suitable for small individual homes. 150,000 cubic feet of storage, while the highest is approx. A dry pond is typically used in areas with 10 or more acres of land, as any smaller area may have trouble controlling the quality of runoff.