lit. In 697 B.C. ), were successively masters of Elam. dynasty at Babylon took control and for its inhabitants. Numbers of porcupines inhabit the brushwood by the rivers and marshes. After the flood, God told Noah and his family to go out and fill the entire Earth with people. Identification2. V "|"vZgpn8bQ+d6bE6#kk8;,g*NMs%Uni() 3i X4DB7pV`CwR*"YLv&1YE*fUW1 H@U@M_ec!ai2(0u5d=P!wC9hHJI?!Mh`5YP'>;vsE$(3 @\[_krh $j;rLeD#a@E$FaE 4nlxgf:> )fkC$}L8!z{olu|Uop\[=@3Ie@F@J+]A^\0+};7; 8"{dv4CQ)!}k}Bd/ l/IF DA'> Ar.`cN#NSOIhI)7v~_B)E8[xl)R-w d`g?(6nmG[{'AFhUMi[oArChoy3c r1}6$V@gwc|3(uIF%g0L]w5qbkVha,^Zw6p) J9n^jf5g[*jw?R#u8sntz @]$$MCgb{BK#i5~ pRi x>X*tJ2sB\-[n22?0PRT {rl`D,MZEQAJg@]5wBtZE Manpower for irrigation and defense was worked through a city-council of representatives under a lord (en) who later assumed the role of king (lugal=chief man). speech [eme.sal dialect]). Shinar and Its Climate:Whether the country was in the same seemingly uncared-for state in ancient times as at present is unknown; but one cannot help admiring the courage of the original immigrants into such a district, for example, as that of Lagas. (14) Nisin, Isin, or Karrak:Nisin, Isin, or Karrak, seat of the worship of Nin-Karraga, was also an important state governed by its own kings. The texts detail the range of its gods, rituals and religious practices as well as its incipient sciences (medicine, astronomy, mathematics and technology). Seven years later one of his own officials, Ur-Nammu, governor of Ur, took the titles King of Sumer and Akkad and inaugurated the third dynasty of Ur (2113-2006 b.c.) In 14:3 it is identified with the Salt Sea, and in 14:10 it is said to have . He also defeated the king of Asnunnak. Tammaritu, nephew of Umman-igas, after the defeat of the Elamite forces in Chaldea, revolted against him, and having defeated him, cut off his head, and took the crown. The valleys on the Southwest slope belong properly to Babylonia, and could be invaded on that side with ease, but Northeast of the Kebir-Kuh the country is well protected not only against Mesopotamia, on the West, but also against Persia on the East. This will not only give an idea of the poetical form of the Sumerian legend of the Creation by Merodach and Aruru, but also show how short and concise, as a language, was the speech of Shinar, before Semitic supremacy.T. Bible Map: Elam The earliest really historical reference to the Elamites as the foes of Babylonia, however, is apparently that contained in a letter from the priest Lu-enna to the priest En-e-tarzi announcing that the Elamites had invaded Lagas and carried off considerable booty. Sumerian myths discussed the role of deities (the Birth of the Moon God), vocation and creation of the world and of man, paradise and evil. Senar denoted the land around Baghdad. This is also implied by the fact, that Sen'ar was used in Syriac for the country around Bagdad, and in ancient times included (it may be supposed) the plain upon which the ruins of Babylon stand. (Tel Ibrahim), which once had kings of its own, and possessed a special legend of the Creation. In 11:2 Shinar is described as the land of the plain where migrants from the East settled, and founded Babel, the city, and its great tower. In Jerusalem for Hanukkah. In the lit. Like others referred to in the legends which Berosus refers to, he was half-man and half-fish. The defeat of the Elamites was a foregone conclusion, and Te-umman perished, with his son, in the thick of the battle, as is dramatically depicted by the sculptors of Assur-bani-apli in the bas-reliefs which adorned the walls of his palace. Notwithstanding the rigors of the climate, however, it was in ancient times a well-populated district, and exceedingly fruitful, as now. The northern tract was called Akkad, after the name of its capital city (see ACCAD). SIDDIM, VALE OF. Everything points, therefore, to the Sumerians having been in Babylonia before the Semitic inhabitants.9. Before this they all spoke one language. History:(1) The Earliest Period.Beginning with the semi-mythical period, we have the story of the fight of the Babylonian hero Gilgames with the Elamite tyrant Humbaba, who was defeated by the hero and his helper Enki-du, and beheaded. Jesus' Baptism and Temptation. Sumer, which is the name for the area of ancient Iraq S of Baghdad in the eme.-ku dialect (written[r] ideographically or keir in fine Sumer. There seems also to have been a shrine to Nergal, god of war, which was restored by King Sin-gamil. They found a plain in the land of Shinar. Ezra 4:9 then wrote Rehum the chancellor, and Shimshai the scribe, and the rest of their companions, the Dinaites, and the Apharsathchites, the Tarpelites, the Apharsites, the Archevites, the Babylonians, the Shushanchites, the Dehaites, the Elamites, e'-rek, er'-ek ('erekh; Orech):1.