Symptoms associated with bacterial eye infections can include a wide array of eye-related discomfort and pain, including yellow, green or clear discharge; redness of the eye or eyelid; increased light sensitivity; consistent blurry vision; as well as an unshakable inner-eye irritation that feels like an itch, according to CDC officials. The drops have not been linked to illness, the company said, though it cautioned that using contaminated eye products can increase risk for infections that could result in blindness. Eating like a centenarian can help you live a longer life. A Retail Level recall is limited to product lots currently in the inventory of the distributors and retail outlets. Two more people have died in the United States after being infected by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a drug-resistant bacterium that has been linked to eyedrops, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, bringing the death count to three. The symptoms can include yellow, green or clear discharge from the eye, redness of the eye or eyelid, increased sensitivity to light and eye pain or discomfort. W-M item #: 563031654 NDC # 49035-882-54: Package Size: 25 count (0.6 mL fill): Equate Support Advanced Lubricant Gel Drops Multi Dose Preservative Free, W-M item #: 567367998 NDC #: 49035-882-52 Package Size: 7.5 mL, Equate Support Moisture Lubricant Eye Drops, W-M item #: 553503238 NDC #: 49035-145-10 Package Size:10 mL, W-M item #: 553503238 NDC #: 49035-145-10 Package Size: 10 mL(Note: Support Harmony packaging was discontinued in January 2018.). It was later expanded to include Delsam Pharma Artificial. If youve used Ezricare and Delsam Pharmas Artificial Tears, look out for symptoms including yellow, green or clear discharge from the eye; eye pain or discomfort; redness of the eye or eyelid; a sensation that there is something in your eye; increased sensitivity to light; and blurry vision, according to the CDC. Jul 16, 2019 | Audience: Consumer, Health Professional, Pharmacy, Jul 15, 2019 | Audience: Consumer, Health Professional, Pharmacy, Jul 10, 2019 | Audience: Consumer, Health Professional, Pharmacy, Jul 5, 2019 | Audience: Consumer, Health Professional, Pharmacy, Jul 3, 2019 | Audience: Consumer, Health Professional, Pharmacy, Sep 8, 2013 | Audience: Consumer, Eye Care, Pharmacy, Patient, Health Professional. Delsam Pharmas NDC for this product is 72570-122-35, and its UPC code is 3 72570 012235 3. TO DATE, ALTAIRE HAS NOT RECEIVED ANY REPORTS OF ADVERSE EVENTS FOR THE PRODUCTS. MedWatch Safety Alerts are distributed by the FDA and published by Waking up frequently at night can harm your health. Why Trust Us? Consumers are advised to stop using the following brands and return them to the place of purchase. The products are distributed at the retail level by Wal-Mart. FDA also placed Global Pharma Healthcare Private Limited on import alert for providing an inadequate response to a records request and for not complying with CGMP requirements. CDC: Eyedrops sold at Walmart, other stores linked to infections - NBC News Eye drops recall at Walmart, CVS, Walgreens Altaire Pharmaceuticals issued voluntary recalls for eye drops and ointments sold at CVS, Walgreens, Walmart and through Perrigo.