You can't move your eyeball in all directions. I noticed i had a black eye this afternoon. However, its important to be observant and communicate with your aging relative. Some types of elderly skin bruising are harmless, but others can indicate a more serious problem. Also, keep your child from rubbing their eye. Older adults often experience random bruising as part of the natural aging process. Get a headache. This could be a In: Prystowsky EN, Klein GJ, Daubert JP, eds. Treatment depends on your eye condition and overall, Gray spots in your eye may be harmless, due to age or even injury. Other symptoms of a concussion include: Another serious concern is the draining of blood or clear fluid from your nose or ear. In EDS, the connective tissue is weak, so blood vessels are more easily damaged. Certain vitamins are important for blood clotting and healing, such as vitamins C and K. If you are deficient in these vitamins, you may bruise easily because your blood may not be clotting as it should. Symptoms of chronic kidney disease include swelling, low urine output, fatigue, weakness, chest pain, shortness of breath, and others. Healthy adults will have between 150,000 and 450,000 platelets in every microlitre of their blood; any less than this will cause bleeding. The causes are many, from trauma, thin blood (aspirin, ibuprofen, coumadin, (warfarin) ) to other sys Classically, a "black eye" is a bruise around the eyeball. Surgery may be needed if a doctor determines your eye may not heal on its. A black eye may occur when blood, originating in the forehead or nose, settles by gravity under the eye. Keep these things in mind regarding accidental versus intentional bruising: Listen to your loved one. This software has many innovative features and you can trap a Bull or Bear in REAL TIME! What causes blackouts WebA black eye with vision problems. There is no cure for the condition. Like other bruises, a black eye is often accompanied by swelling. See additional information. You bruise more easily when platelet levels are low. Hemophilia is an inherited condition that interferes with your bloods ability to clot properly, leading to frequent bruising. workers caught on camera Repeat as often as once an hour for the first 24 hours after injury. American Academy of Ophthalmology: Subconjunctival Hemorrhage Causes, Subconjunctival Hemorrhage Treatment, What Is a Subconjunctival Hemorrhage?, Mayo Clinic: Subconjunctival Hemorrhage (broken blood vessel in eye): Diagnosis, Subconjunctival Hemorrhage (broken blood vessel in eye): Overview., Clinical Ophthalmology: Subconjunctival Hemorrhage: Risk Factors and Potential Indicators., Merck Manual Consumer Version: Subconjunctival Hemorrhage., KidsHealth: A to Z: Subconjunctival Hemorrhage., Cedars-Sinai: Subconjunctival Hemorrhage., StatPearls: Subconjunctival Hemorrhage., Cleveland Clinic: Subconjunctival Hemorrhage.. Dr. Grand is a board-certified Internal Medicine Physician. It happens because of a sudden drop in blood flow to your brain. An unknown reason, which happens in up to 50% of fainting cases. To decrease your risk of getting a black eye, remember to wear safety glasses, sports eyewear or even protective headgear with a face shield when you're involved in potentially hazardous activities, including sports.