According to Quadrigas last public filings in 2015, it operated in a deficit. In December 2018, Cotten died during his honeymoon with his wife, Jennifer Robertson, in Jaipur, India. Details emerging about Gerald Cotten, the young founder of QuadrigaCX Jennifer stressed she had no knowledge of her husbands fraudulent activities and wondered why he did what he did. In this way Cotten could have stowed away a fortune in foreign bank accounts in preparation for a grand exit. Overnight, Quadriga became Canadas dominant Bitcoin marketplace. When offered an electric motor for the life raft, the smiling boy gestured to his Tesla in the marinas parking lot. To remind, Gerald Cotten, died from complications of Crohn's disease while on a visit to India. One day he showed up with Cotten, who behaved like a runt little brother but, as one friend put it, in a gross kind of waysycophantic, almost submissive. Apart from that, Jennifer is studying to become an elementary school teacher and hopes to graduate soon. 'Bitcoin widow' discusses Quadriga founder Gerald Cotten | The Star He might be living on a private island, or in Hong Kong, Thailand, or Monaco, traveling by yacht and helicopter and private jet. They had believed in Cotten and felt betrayed. She told clients and friends to avoid Quadriga. Robertson and Cotten met on a Tinder date in 2014, when they were both around 26 years old. Nine days later Cotten is believed to have died due to complications of Crohn's disease, with Robertson announcing the death publicly a month later. Robertson said "everything was crazy" after Cotten died andher lawyers were the ones who decided to wait weeks before letting investors know about Cotten's death. Since Cottens death, an ongoing conversation about the Quadriga affair has been conducted on Telegram, an encrypted messaging application that resembles WhatsApp, only with heightened privacy measures. What Happened to Jennifer Robertson and Where Is Gerald Cotten's Wife Now? "Some people think Gerald is still alive,somewherehe'sat the beach, sipping a Mai Tai;he's benefiting from all of the millions that were stolen from investors. Robertson said something Cotten said around the time they were drawing up the will didn't sit right with her. gerald cotten belize Just days before they left, Cotten made out a will, leaving everything to Robertson, except for $100,000 he left to take care of his two dogs. Far more likely is the narrative of Gerry the Royal Fuckup. Everybody is a genius, said Albert Einstein, and every Redditor is an Einstein. Traditional law enforcement, meanwhile, had only the vaguest understanding of the subject. Netflixs Trust No One: The Hunt for the Crypto King delves into the circumstances surrounding Gerrys death and what happened to the company after that. When you walked in, it was a very front-y feeling, says Joseph Weinberg. Gerald Cotten may have had a sophisticated grasp of cryptocurrency, but his expertisehis formal traininglay in the art of the confidence game. A month passed before Robertson announced on Quadrigas Facebook page that Cotten had died. Most of the homes are in metro Halifax. Patryn came to the next meeting. Bitcoin would enable more than two billion people who lacked access to banks to send and receive payment; it would offer stability to citizens of countries with chaotic currencies; it would eliminate all banking fees. Cotten tried to scam Patryn; Patryn tried to counter-scam Cotten. He was my best friend. It's a possibility that I was wearing rose-coloured glasses.". In February 2014, six weeks after Quadriga launched, Mt. Eventually, an investigation revealed that Gerry had committed fraud using customer money. Under the most charitable interpretation of Cottens actions, the public bid marks the moment that he decided to go straight. It served as an independent payment processor for Liberty Reserve: a digital currency that was operated by an American in Costa Rica and used by drug cartels, human traffickers, child pornographers, and Ponzis to launder money. Cotten's com." The Walrus on Instagram: "Jennifer Robertson met her husband, Bitcoin entrepreneur Gerald Cotten, on Tinder. She expressed a desire to move on with the next chapter of my life. She may have to change her name one more time in order to do so. However, the couple never arrived at the house, and the honeymoon did not go as planned. He would count on most people to forget all about him. On the polished granite island are a vase of pink roses, the discarded lid of an ice cream carton, a copy of National Geographic, and dozens of dictionary-thick, rubber-banded stacks of Canadian currency in crisp 20s, 50s, and 100s. The Secret Life and Strange Death of Quadriga Founder Gerald Cotten She lives in Halifax. Ad Choices. When it came to the case of the missing Quadriga millions, however, the balance was reversed. Widow of Bitcoin trader Gerald Cotten who died owing $215M tells of