Signs of a failing power steering control unit include an illuminated EPS (Electric Power Steering) Warning Light or difficulty steering the vehicle. Finally, your power steering is hard to turn in any direction. I say from this point, I would replace the tubing from the p/s pump to the steering rack. If this is the case, you should go to a professional garage immediately to get your car checked out. Power Steering Gets Stiff When Hot - What Does it Mean? I had the van inspected by my local garage last week who were unable to find any faults with the steering. When the car is cold, the steering acts like normal. what happened to paul connolly world's toughest prisons The steering wheel always stays flexible under normal circumstances. The fluid is not being pumped properly to the steering rack when it is "cold". It could be the fluid, pump, or the serpentine belt. If it's not cold outside or your power steering fluid is in good shape, move on to Step 2. What is the Jones Rule of 86 for Maple Syrup? ML55's W163 and ML500's W164 are equipped with what is called, Speed Sensitive Steering which allows easy steering at parking and low speeds, but stiffer steering at higher speeds. Proper fluid levels are particularly important in cold weather. Top Reasons that Cause Stiff Steering Wheel? - CAR FROM JAPAN To check a thickened power steering fluid, flush out the old fluid and replace it with a new and fresh power steering fluid. A stiff power steering wheel while driving is nothing short of a nightmare on the road. However if the car left to cool down approximately 30mins, then it will work fine. The hydraulic fluid should be clean so that it can apply a sufficient amount of force for which your cars wheels can turn in one direction. Hi there. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. Does anyone know if this sounds like a pump issue or maybe the relief valve? YourMechanic All rights reserved. The steering wheel becomes tight and hard to turn when the engine is heated. Consider replacing it. The fluid in the power steering pump is extremely hot and you can smell burning while driving. Power steering works fine when first started, i can turn the wheels standing still with a finger but by the time i get to work it is very difficult to park. As a result, the steering wheel does not get enough supply of fluid to turn freely, and you will have to exert much more force than usual. After some driving when car is warm, low RPM PS turning is very hard and whining noise is increased. However, overheating may lead to a faulty power steering wheel which may be dangerous for the driver. Consider using General Motors product called Vehicle Care Power Steering Cold Climate fluid. Learn the common reasons ofsteering wheel hard to turn, how to fix the problems and how to prevent them from happening. Apr 28, 2007. How To Fix Warped Rotors. Several days ago, I changed the o-ring from the power steering return line. When this issue occurs, you could be certain that there is a glitch in your power steering system. steering wheel hard to turn at low speeds. Check for leaks on the outside area. 3. Why Do I Get A Noisy Power Steering Pump When Cold? Change steering pump but same problem occurs. The pumps are an essential component in hydraulic power steering. ToyotaNation Forum is a community dedicated to all Toyota models. 4. There are several reasons which can make your power steering turn hard. I am getting a loud whine coming from the power steering pump. When I turn the wheel of my Nissan car it little bit hard to turn. The driver needs to apply a lot of effort in turning the wheels which can make you frustrated. Therefore, turning your wheels becomes a bit easier, but you still need to replace the rack before it turns into a bigger problem. The hydraulic fluid can become more viscous. But when something goes wrong, the steering wheel does not work properly and requires more energy for its normal operation. Symptoms of a failing Power steering pump include: Whining noise while turning the wheel. I let it warm up for 5-10 minutes, then started driving. could it be kinpin problem or what? You may want to mention over-tightening belts (ones which do not use a tensioner pulley) will cause damage as well, or at the very least aid in the deterioration of the pump overtime. Firstly faulty power steering pump, faulty high pressure flexible supply/delivery pipe and lastly the rack and pinion known as Kangi. Power Steering Fluid (3-pack) Genuine Honda Fluid. Before failing, a faulty power steering pump will often make a whining or groaning noise, especially during a sharp turn. My car has an automatic transmission. Water can freeze in the lines causing blockages. The steering was incredibly stiff! If your power steering pump is not working properly, you will find power steering becoming hard on cold winter days. So, the whole steering mechanism is affected, and you may notice the power steering becoming hard in cold winter. 6 Reasons For Steering Wheel Hard To Turn & Solutions - CAR FROM JAPAN But, when winter arrives, most car drivers find the power steering hard to turn when cold. Once the engine temperature increases to the normal level, the issue goes away. The solution was to replace with fresh power steering fluid in the reservoir of the vehicle. I have sucked old old fluid and put in new (Dextron II ATF per manufacturers specs) but wife says it still doing the above but not as bad. A forum community dedicated to Volkswagen T4 owners and enthusiasts. Perhaps put the car on stands under the chassis and see how much steering effort is needed without weight. Clogs in your power steering system can be hard to identify but if you have a whining power steering pump or a difficult to run . Power steering stiffens up after few minutes. Please HELP If power pump pulley is unbalance then better change it or get it checked from a mechanic.