They had caught their chameleon and now they had her locked in a jar. Which usually ends up at the Bank Of Colombia which is our Bank Of America. The pair moved to New York and imported the drug into the US,masquerading as clothes importers. She was the biggest of the big and she controlled the majority of the supply. Blanco continued to run her illegal business from prison while serving the 15-year jail sentence for drug trafficking in 1975. Griselda Blanco was the one who gave Pablo Escobar his start and he was loyal to her for a number of years. He had three other siblings. Enemies were also closing in. The Durban-born jazz musician showcased South Africa's culture to the world through music. 4. I just forgot about it, he said. Charles Cosby: Well it was over a five year span, so it was going anywhere from the high twenty eights to the low twentys. What made Blanco so feared, and her capture so revered, among the men of her time? How much you were letting the bricks go for back then? Thats the end all be all supply. Charles Cosby: I originally heard of Griselda Blanco February 1985 when she was arrested in Southern California. After running her evil empire for nearly a decade, Griselda was eventually caught and sentenced to 20 years in prison, in 1985. No, my name is Betty, she said in Spanish, looking up from her Bible in practised nonchalance. Be the first to get hottest news from our Editor-in-Chief, Check your email and confirm your subscription. Who is Cartel Crews Marie? Griselda Blanco was also a killer, with an estimated 250 murders committed at her behest. The cleft chin and cartoonish dimples remained, and like so many before him, Palombo was mesmerised. And her name was Griselda Blanco, he said. But when I came on board she became so fond of me, her love grew so much for me she appointed me to run her entire organization. So when you hear those numbers about what Rick Ross did, thats just not true. There was no question It was really no choice. VH1 and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc. This is what I know and this me who was on the inside. Blanco, who was named by his mother after the heir apparent to the Vito Corleone criminal empire in the movie, The Godfather, was confined to house arrest after being caught in the cocaine trade. Charles Cosby: Yeah, they dont f*** with Black people. The cartel is responsible for an estimated 25% of all illegal drugs that enter the U.S. via Mexico. Coming of age during the country's horrific civil war, Blanco also earned money by digging graves. But for a short moment after being dragged out of a California townhouse in Irvine, Orange County, on 17 February her birthday weekend she showed a glimpse of the vulnerability beneath the bravado. We got up and we had two days of trial, which consisted mostly of my walking the dog, I was just in there wasting time and beating around the bush. When did the Godmother die? Earning the name Cocaine Godmother can't be an easy feat. She is estimated to have had a net worth in the billions and was allegedly responsible for the murders of over 200, before being assassinated herself in 2012. Not at all. She stirred the Cocaine Cowboy Wars and invented the motorcycle ride-by murder technique.