Kids who have this birth defect may end up with just a scar, or nothing at all, for a belly button. This is a type of specific phobia that can be successfully treated. But if it gets infected, you could have belly button pain, fever, and bloody urine. Some navels protrude naturally. This moist, red mound of tissue forms on a babys navel after the umbilical cord dries and falls off. Use an ice pack, or put crushed ice in a plastic bag. Is your belly button the dirtiest part of your body? In very rare cases, dead skin and debris can build up inside a belly button and cause a navel stone. Relax your lips and use your tongue to swirl around the belly button, says Lanctot, then use the tip of your tongue to give it a gentle poke. Thats why when you catch a whiff of something off there, you may immediately assume that something is wrong. So, why shouldnt you play with your belly button? Your belly button is home to a lot of bacteria. When it comes to poking your belly button, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Belly Button and Sleep Request ASMR Lisa ASMR 250K subscribers Subscribe 1.6K 204K views 3 years ago Hello my sweet little insomniacs In this requested video, I play with my belly. Umbilical hernias are common and typically harmless. These tests may show if tissue, fluid, or an organ is trapped inside the hernia. So next time youre tempted to play with your belly button, just remember: its not worth the risk! When youre born, the umbilical cord is cut and you have a small piece left called the umbilical stump. Whether its an innie or outie depends on how your skin grows as it heals. Eczema or atopic dermatitis is another that can pop up here and cause a rash, redness, and flakiness. There are a few reasons why you shouldnt play with your belly button. Dr. Christopher Hollingsworth of NYC Surgical Associates explained to Lad Bible why touching that area makes you feel a bit strange. They usually dont hurt, but you might notice a bad smell if the cyst drains. Some people like to add a little soap to their cotton swabs or toothbrush before cleaning, but this is usually not necessary. Additionally, if youre not careful, you could end up scratching or tearing the skin around your belly button, which could lead to bleeding and pain. Subscribe for new videos every week!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*WHERE TO FIND ME*INSTAGRAM: Business inquiries ONLY, reach me by email at****************************************Shopaholic? What Happens If You Pick Your Belly Button Too Much? Washing with benzoyl peroxide is another great way to kill any odor-causing bacteria. Most bellybuttons are a breeding ground for bacteria since theyre a dark, moist area where skin often rests against skin. If you dont clean your bellybutton, a number of problems could occur. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Do not exercise or play sports until your healthcare provider says it is okay. Leave it in place for 6 weeks or more. also the fibres of the inner lining of your abdomen, why this only happens when you dig deep into the cavity. First, wash your belly button normally using the instructions above, depending on your type of belly button. Just make sure you wash your hands before and after, as your belly button can be a breeding ground for bacteria. Gently insert the cotton swab or toothbrush into your belly button and rotate it around in a circular motion. The easiest way to lookup drug information, identify pills, check interactions and set up your own personal medication records. Place it on your injured area for 15 to 20 minutes every hour or as directed. Why Shouldn't You Play With Your Belly Button - Query Solved If the swab gets dirty, throw it away and start a new one. As a result, your belly button is essentially a scar. There's A Reason Why Touching Your Belly Button Makes You - HuffPost Call your doctor if youre concerned about any pain or swelling in your navel. You can prevent them from coming back by keeping your navel clean., To avoid infection or build-up of dirt and grime in your belly button, make sure to keep it clean and dry. So only go to a licensed pro and make sure they wash their hands, wear gloves, and use good, sterilized equipment. If youre having trouble dealing with a fear of belly buttons on your own, a therapist can help guide you through it. Quora - A place to share knowledge and better understand the world I tried an E-stim pad by VUSH thats designed to relieve menstrual pain recently, and was surprised when it gave me more than just cramp relief.