aluminum nose gear shafts (no longer produced by the factory). Rotax 503 DCDI 52HP 282TTAF 200TTESN , elect start, 2bld Tennessee prop, EIS System, icom radio, intercom with 2 headsets, BRS chute built 07-10 repack . 1995. Call Ron for details at 931-629-3080 The investigation determined that the right front lift strut lower bracket had failed due to fatigue after only 402.2 hours in service. White, I understand that Quad City has recruited one or more additional Challenger dealers to assist in filling orders and to help keep the company afloat. Challenger II Specs C lC" The new Light Sport X Series kicks it up another notch! been done, including tension, compression and cyclic load tests, all of The two seat Trainer models run from $12,900 to $16,400, and even these figures are low among two-seat aircraft. ZA sA| Load Factors, Home Page to be retrofitted onto any 2 seat Challenger nose cone that does not already have an access hatch. | FAQ | Company | Contact Results 1 to 9 of 9 Thread: Challenger II 85,000 cycles @ 2,000 pounds of tension, with no deformation, cracks or Photo: wikipedia Specifications Empty weight: 310 lbs (141 kg) MTOW: 800 lbs (363 kg) Stall speed: 22 kts (25 mph) (41 kph) Cruise speed: 61 kts (70 mph) (113 kph) VNE: It is now September and I havent received one cent of my deposit returned. Complete 2005 Challenger 2 Deluxe 503 Package Kit, call for details, 587-434-7441, Telephone: Though Mader instructs seventh and eighth grade students (a task most pilots wouldnt dare attempt), he had never before built an aircraft. Model Year: 2007. available for a small additional endobj |Specifications | Airframe High Strength Stainless Steel Since 1983, Quad City Ultralight Aircraft has delivered more than 3000 Challenger kits. After years List all LSA Services each one verified to have the airplane or expertise you seek. Thirty days came and went without receiving anything from. Since 1983, Quad City Ultralight Aircraft has delivered more than 3000 Challenger kits. Challenger & Challenger II - Experimental Aircraft Association To make matters worse, I discovered the the vertical stabilizer had been improperly fabricated at the factory. 2007 CHALLENGER 2 CWS E-LSA $9,999 LIGHT-SPORT AIRCRAFT FOR SALE! Some designs will return to level flight faster than the Challenger, but the design was positive in all such checks. Here it is again. With more than 3,500 aircraft flying, Quad City is also one of the most successful. S( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( '^#o\ze1J For example, he has the special leading-edge treatment that places a wide cut of aluminum sheet over the entire wingspan reaching from the underside and wrapping around to 12 inches aft of the leading-edge spar. Same as above, to 2011 QUAD CITY CHALLENGER SPECIAL | Specifications of other models and engines WILL be different. And this year, Quad City reached another milestone with the 20th anniversary of the two-seaters that have made up the majority of its production. I know of a Facebook page for Challenger owners. All U.S. tubing. The Challenger II is a two place plane, great for training or plain old fun! superior in strength. you replace all 8 brackets, you will add a total of just over 1.5 pounds to 8,000 pounds of peak tension force (straight pull) before deformation (60% Kathryn's Report: Quad City Challenger II, N2481P: Fatal accident Telephone: M O S A I C Note: Take-off and Landing distance not over 50ft obstacle. of retrofitting the hatches into the standard nose cones, we now offer the One set of challenger snow skis. The inside maingear wheel appeared to scribe a circle only a few feet in diameter. Youll want to compare costs carefully, as most other kit manufacturers publish price lists that exclude the engine just as they charge a premium for quickbuild versions. endstream These Heavy Duty the Canadian Challenger II 503 Deluxe Package. estimates are for assembly of the basic airframe only, and do not include time In more conventional verifications, I performed a longitudinal stability series of pushing or pulling the stick and releasing. Frustrated by the lies, delays and improper fabrication; I cancelled my order. The price of quickbuild kits for the Challenger, which include the engine and all covering materials except paint, havent gone up significantly in the last decade. A 4 to 1 speed range is unusually wide, few general aviation aircraft can exceed 2.8 to 1. The one place Challenger I is FAR Part 103 compliant in the USA. Good flying plane. Challenger II - EAA Forums coat colors above, then choose your flake color. For Quad City, it was a downyear! For the most part he was right, though I was able to get a modest partial spin to the right. Coordinated control authority is strong, allowing operations even in strong crosswind conditions. Challenger Nose Cone with Access Hatch - Retrofit Kit. Challenger 5" plastic or aluminum nose wheel. The Challenger II Trainerqualifies under the still-current Part 103 exemption. All Challengers can be flown with the new Sport Pilot Perm U-FLY-IT Light Sport Aircraft, LLC provides Light Sport and Ultralight aircraft sales, flight instruction, assembly and repair. Examination of 22 other Challengers found eight that also had cracked brackets. a Challenger, you will love this option (if you already have a Challenger, Any information you may have to share would be greatly appreciated on how we can actually get something done. Quad City Challenger - Wikipedia First time flying a Challenger AirplaneShare this channel with your friends! out my other channel for other diy pr. $550. Please, phone calls only for specifics. Quad City Challenger - Specifications (Challenger II) - LiquiSearch I did offer him the platform of this website to air his concerns to tens of thousands of readers and I directed him to a Facebook group where he could get more factory interaction information than I can provide. 5874347441 Plus you can get one rather quickly should you make the decision to buy. streamlined fuselage and light weight delivers great performance. He is one of the largest Challenger dealers around and has been doing it for about 20 years now.