Business SIC Codes: Avoid Being Labeled a High Risk - ActiveRain 5021 Furniture Targeted Business Lists 3313 Electrometalurgical products Low & High Risk Industry SIC Codes for Business Credit in 2023 5085 Industrial supplies Thats because in the next recession like 2020 more businesses are going to close gain. Note: Three sectors are represented by a range of 2-digit codes. 3991 Brooms & brushes 9431 Public health programs administration
5137 Womens & kids clothing 3585 Refrigeration, air conditioning & heating equipment 2254 Knit underwear mills NAICS to SIC Crosswalk There are, however, a few things you can do to make the risk a little, well, less risky. data using their own reporting systems. 2095 Roasted coffee 2397 Schiffli machine embroideries 2861 Gum & wood chemicals Affairs Related: The Risk-Averse Entrepreneur's Guide to Startup Success. Get your full business credit reports & scores, PLUS Nav reports your account payments to the business bureaus as a tradeline. 2341 Womens underwear Posted 11 years ago. 5331 Variety stores 2035 Fruit/veggies seasoning/sauces 6022 State banks 2675 Die-cut paper Company Lookup Tool, Contact Us 2655 Paper cans, tubes & drums Cookie Policy And what do they mean to you? 31XX Leather and Leather Products 35XX Industrial Machinery & Equipment SIC Code Search Now, you just need a product. Learn More, The Industrial Spraying Equipment Manufacturing industry produces machinery that applies coatings, finishes and paints to industrial products, such as aerospace products, and consumer products, such as toilet paper. 1799 Special trade contractors 7379 Computer related services We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. 3721 Aircraft 3316 Cold-rolled steel Medical & Recreational Marijuana Growing in the US 2.60 2. 2381 Gloves, except knit or leather gloves 1751 Carpentry work 22XX Textile Mill Products 5714 Drapery & upholstery stores 7219 Other laundry & garment services (You can also download the latest NAICS/SIC manual there.). When you apply for a loan, make sure your existing NAICS code is accurate. 36XX - Electronic & Electric Equipment. By knowing the customers' needs, you'll be able to provide the service they desire. 3264 Porcelain electrical supplies 3053 Gaskets & packing materials 5122 Drugs, cosmetics & toiletries 3089 Plastic containers, utensils, boats, etc. 0724 Cotton ginning Learn More, Demand for the International Airlines industry has experienced significant volatility over the past five years. 3532 Mining machinery An establishment that operates in more than one (1) activity may have additional Secondary SIC Codes. 6162 Mortgage bankers & loan officers US Business Directory : Company Lookup Tool, The North American Product Classification System (NAPCS), NAICS Association Recommended Business Links. 3484 Small arms License 60DBO-98588, Originally, various government agencies across the United States would collect and analyze. 0723 Crop preparation, except cotton gins 0251 Raising cooking chickens To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. 9532 Urban planning & rural development 1521 General house contractors 8082 Home health care services 5561 RV recreational vehicle dealers 2822 Synthetic rubber 8641 Civic, social & fraternal organizations (These are also known as c-stores). Cereal is a manufactured good which falls under the major industrial group 20 for Food and Kindred Products. What are the NAIC and SIC code numbers considered to be in a high-risk industry? 3677 Transformers & electronic coils Product Certification & Standards Development - CSA Group (Thats because most contractors are being outsourced by bigger companies), Gasoline stations or convenience stores. 2047 Dog & cat food 7513 Truck rental, without driver 2844 Cosmetics 4222 Refrigerated warehousing & storage All you have to be is good enough to help people achieve their goals.