Experience: Most recently, I served as one of four local government policy managers for the Commonwealth housed in the Governors Center for Local Government Services in DCED. David Brinton is running for school director for West Shore School District, Region 2.Photo: Linda Myers Drei, used with permission, Occupation: Government & Political Consultant. The majority of revenue is generated locally from real estate and other taxes, earnings on investments, Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) revenue, tuition from patrons and other miscellaneous sources, such as donations. I am running for office because I believe our children are our future. Seans undergraduate work was as a dual major at Albright College where he earned his first degree in Chemistry and Education. He explained board input was included in some minor language changes. Photo: Rebecca Treadway, used with permission, Occupation: Freelance copywriter, content writer. Email:
}); Brian Mansfield is the principal at Liberty Bell Elementary School. As a member of the school board, I will be an advocate with our state elected officials for policies that are going to help support the efforts in educating the students in the West Shore School District. I also understand the concerns that everyone in our community has about the days to come.
Most recently, David served as a Local Government Policy Manger for the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development. You have permission to edit this article. As part of the budget presentations for the upcoming school year, East Penn Business Administrator Robert Saul guided administrators through a presentation examining the past and potential future finances of the school district. Email:
SPECIAL REPORT: Life in the Lehigh Valley, SPONSORED: BSI Corporate Benefits Stretching on Tuesdays, 20230313 East Penn Long Range Fiscal and Capital Plan 03-13-2023, March 27, April 24: Priority presentations, May 8: Presentation and adoption of the proposed final budget, May 22: Presentation of budget updates and discussion of final budge, June 12: Presentation and adoption of the final budget. Our dedicated administrators, teachers, and staff demonstrated unprecedented resourcefulness, caring, and commitment to continuing the educational program during that challenging time. Besanon - Wikipedia In addition, his relative Dr. Gerald Brinton served many years as a teacher at New Cumberland and Cedar Cliff High Schools prior to becoming the first Director of Curriculum for the West Shore School District. var encodedEmail = swrot13('puebzvnxy@fyfq.bet');
Kristen Campbell to serve as next East Penn superintendent His father, Samuel, was an educator and guidance counselor at East Pennsboro for 35 years retiring as the head of the Districts Guidance Department. Saucon Valley School District must allow After School Satan Club Sitemap Search. Bethlehem Area School District's new superintendent, Jack Silva, was awarded a five-year contract at an annual salary of $220,000.
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Campbell did acknowledge there were issues with busing, although she termed the issues "minor." var encodedEmail = swrot13('znegvat@fyfq.bet');
var encodedEmail = swrot13('unaxrrw@fyfq.bet');
"It certainly has been a challenging five years," Campbell said. "Overall, our students and staff have had a very successful start of the school year," Campbell said. Schilder is the former superintendent of Bridgewater-Raritan Regional School District in New Jersey, where he served for seven years to 2013. Learn more about Mrs. Webb here:https://youtu.be/6HQMRCBbN4E. Additionally, I attended meetings with education organizations regarding the state of education in Pennsylvania and issues of concern to them. The second candidate for superintendent of schools, William King met with the board of directors and the public also last month. East Penn School District. }); Lou is the Director of Business for the Southern Lehigh School District. Email:
var encodedEmail = swrot13('crcry@fyfq.bet');
"She truly, truly enjoys getting to know our students and their parents," Campbell said. Various capital improvement projects and renovations throughout the school district are listed, including over $200,000 for new playground equipment at Macungie Elementary School, district-wide electronic door lock installations, and HVAC upgrades. Your web browser does not support the