The best strategy would be to purchase the $19.99 and the $49.99 pack and then you will get the pack thats really worth it: the $99 pack. Songstress - Songstress is a top tier army hero, and you get 15 medals in the $5 pack. Your Twitter Sucks without this!!! Dark Follower - 15 medals for both Research and Training Speed. Lords Mobile Beginner Strategy Guide |FAQ, Copyright 2023 | WordPress Theme by MH Themes. By Marks Angry Review Posted on March 24, 2021. It is also usually packed with lots of rare materials! Prince of Thieves - 15 medals, and gives you research speed. Recourses and speed-ups arent the way to spend it. She provides bonuses to Training Speed, Construction Speed, and Research Speed. Unfortunately Beserker/Grove Guardian aren't that good in defense until they are purple/gold, so it is a very expensive lineup. In short, avoid this pack! Actually really dulling. . Note that I just bumped the score up to a 9.5/10. For more information about how we work with commercial partners, please read our, Get Pocket Gamer tips, news & features in your inbox, Your sign up will be strictly used in accordance with our,, Sponsorship Editorial Independence Policy, Genshin Impact reveals first look at upcoming Dendro user Kaveh. Whats the best $100 pack to buy, mainly for the purpose of unlocking gifting and elite lab? The 8,000 gems and resources arent anything to talk much about. In fact, it's been four years, and the award-winning game has racked up hundreds of millions of downloads since. SHANE5. Im sure eventually they will start making packs that are worthwhile. However she is only 10 medals for the $5 pack (Storm fox is 15), and Dream witch is very expensive to max out in one go (over $2k). In addition you get 15 medals in the $5 storm fox pack, so you will be able to get Storm Fox to gold faster than other heros.Storm Fox is also good for monster hunting in magic damage based lineups (See However she isnt very useful outside of the army. Not worth it. Worth bringing up past green if your a big fan of colosseum. For advanced players, I would strongly recommend Crown Jewels. We cant wait for the Grave Seasons release date, Prehistoric rancher Paleo Pines confirmed for Nintendo Switch, Honkai Star Rail review - help, there's a Stellaron in my tummy, Honkai Star Rail Departure Festival was a free concert and it slapped, Hey! If you want to learn more about how to become an expert at playing Lords Mobile. Best way to buy packs in Lords Mobile.Huawei AppGallery is offering UPTO 75% Cashback on every purchase you make.Download Huawei's AppGallery from here https. This is going to be a guide to the P2W heroes. Thats a big bloody difference! Another reason why some codes might not work is a typing error. For more information, please see our Turf Club is $9.99 and comes with a 25% boost for Research, Construction and Player EXP for 1 month. Privacy Policy. Witch doll is insanely good in colosseum, even at low grades. For example if you are willing to wait 2 years, you could get both Lore Weaver and Storm Fox for $275 total in $5 packs. Im not really much of a fan any longer. Low Spenders in the game should consider buying these three heroes when they come out. Avoid it. The notable exception is the daily-login pack, which is fantastic! You can also get a bunch of free stuff via our Roblox Promo Codes page. Big GuyBig Guy is the First P2W hero you should get if you are a new player in a protected kingdom and are willing to drop cash on the game. Rent or mortgage money The type that can buy favors or elections! Having trouble working out how to redeem a Lords Mobile code? Every Good lineup in Colosseum will have a Lore Weaver. Rating: 2/10 New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. It has to be the first time youve downloaded Lords Mobile on your mobile device. I personally used these packs to help me with the prison, altar and battle hall constructions. Some of the packs that didnt make it on this list arent amazing but arent horrible. Green TeirThese are heroes you might want to take to green for a small bonus. Lords Mobile is a combination RPG/SLG game. Pocket Tactics is the world's number one mobile games site. If you cant get enough of the tower defence title, make sure you check out our Lords Mobile heroes guide. For example, a gold research speed hero gives 25% research speed for 330 hero medals, while a green research speed hero gives 2.5% research speed for 30 hero medals. Is there a catch? Update: This pack keeps on getting better! And with the packs in the Lords Mobile Store, you can buy your way to success for the cheap price of real money! I strongly strongly recommend it, even if youre F2P. You also get a purple pearl and a purple Cursed Skull. The daily recurring packs arent too great for the most part. There is also a $5 pack but that pack will only give you 22 Tokens (which averages out to $0.22 per token). Although she is missing army defense, defense is a garbage stat (1% Attack is worth 20% defence, and 1% HP is worth 10% defence) and missing the defense isnt a big deal. It's never too late to join in, however, and there's now a new incentive for first-time players: an exclusive gift pack worth $350 (267). But if you have the money to spend, you may as well be on the right side of the carnage. Make sure that you buy the right one! At Lords Gems you can not just create your own Lords Mobile packs, but we also have pre-selected packs for the ease of use. The 7-Day Familiar Bundle is just bleh Its only $2.99 but theres nothing exciting inside. In 2016, Lords Mobile won the Google Play Awards for "Best Competitive Game", and in 2017, it was nominated for "Best Multiplayer Game" and named an "Android Excellence Game". Help support Marks Angry Review. Short of spending 99,000 per jewel chest in the Guild Store, this is the best way to gather jewels. Youve crunched the numbers and you see that this pack has a 6/10 ranking even though it has fewer gems than the Gem Packed pack. Destroy all who stand in your way to total domination! Lords Mobile will allow you to lead your armies in the neverending war in this game inspired by Clash Royale. The Marks Angry Review website is available. Destroy all who stand in your way to total domination! I dont know for sure. You can become a P2P (Pay to play) player and start crushing all those turtle-moving F2P (free to play) players. Archived post. Total: 23 SHARE on Facebook, or else! The Big Guy $100 pack is usually the best way to unlock elite labyrinth / gifting. This way, you'll get the resource, building, and experience boosts, allowing you to unlock heroes in Lords Mobile faster and more efficiently in combat. You can also visit the official Lords Mobile Facebook page, follow developers on Twitter @LordsMobile, and join the Lords Mobile Discord Server. you with your daily dose of the most exciting Lords Mobile gameplay, rallies, zeroes, and more!Emulators:LDPlayer: https:. Lore Weaver - Lore Weaver is a top tier army hero, this mean it has Army Attack, Army HP, and Army Defense. This pack sucks! Theyre packed with chests. Lords Mobile Codes 2023 (May) [UPDATED!] - Free Gems Hi guys, Im c23 currently(rushing time c25) and Im a casual spender/f2p so I spend roughly $5 a week and just wondering what packs to buy and wether to buy a huge pack to get elite labrinth or something.