Campaign work can often lead directly or indirectly to [] If you are living in Minneapolis and want to work on the gubernatorial race (or any other state or local race), writing out a stump speech is not going to be as effective as going down to a campaign office and introducing yourself. If your goal is to work for a candidate post-election, let the campaign manager know when you head back to school. Your email address will not be published. Voter contact cards . Campaign Manager Agreement | Agency Access The political campaign managers should have at least five years of political organizing/campaign management experience, including experience with a statewide campaign where volunteer-executed voter identification played a central role in the campaign. A lot of organization. The most numerous and available jobs are often in the fieldfield organizers or field managersso including a willingness to do this could help. Laws vary and, again, you should always talk to an attorney before you send anything to your campaign manager or staff to sign. Being good at what you do is one of the best ways to get noticed. volunteers to conduct door-to-door How quickly will these be reimbursed? Keep in mind, as mentioned above, that there are not many policy or communications jobs on a campaign, especially for someone with no close connections. read more. 0000002400 00000 n It is a collaborative campaign housed at The Leadership Conference Education Fund, in conjunction with the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation; the American Constitution Society; the Campaign Legal Center; and the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Political Campaign Manager Contract Template, Political Campaign Manager Contract Template PDF, Gallery for Political Campaign Manager Contract Template PDF. 0000003767 00000 n If you want one, make sure you are clear on how it will be paid out. Running for political office is a daunting task that can be exceedingly taxing without a campaign manager at the helm to help run the show. Hire a Campaign Manager Arena The Campaign Workshop. The document filed on Tuesday appears to be a non-disclosure agreement regularly used by the campaign. Campaign Manager Contract: Before Hiring Campaign Staff. - AGREEMENT That depends on what you want to do. Although some campaign jobs are posted on online job boards, networking will always be a crucial way to obtain a job in the political field. For both tax and liability reasons, its important that both the campaign and the staff are clear on how the campaign manager and staff will be employed. ACLU VOTING RIGHTS PROJECTNew York, NYEstablished in 1965, the ACLU Voting Rights Project has worked to protect the gains in political participation won by racial and language minorities since passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. The targeting staff is tasked with determining which voters the campaign should prioritize contacting through different means both in terms of general groups and specific individuals. Constituent liaison work involves conducting outreach to the local leadership of particular interest-group communities, which are sometimes organized along racial or ethnic lines and sometimes along professional or issue lines (e.g., lawyers for XX, environmentalists for XX). The best way to maintain your contacts is to continue working for the candidate in a limited capacity up through the election. How much time do you want to devote to the campaign enterprise? %%EOF Few people take entry-level campaign positions for the immediate monetary rewards. A law degree on its own does not make anyone qualified to work as a senior strategist or policy advisor. You may not have to pay rent if you can arrange campaign housing with supporters. While at HLS, he received a Masters of Public Administration from the Kennedy School of Government. Amanda Tammen Peterson (former 1L Advising Initiative Coordinator)is a transplanted Westerner with extensive experience in local and state political campaigns. Managing budgets, raising money, running social media, building field programs, prepping candidates for public appearances, and implementing campaign strategies; the political campaign staff is the backbone of every campaign. All Rights Reserved 2014 - 2023, Get Access to ALL Templates & Editors for Just, Business Consulting Contract Startup Template, Contract for the Manufacture and Sale of Goods Template, Social Media Consulting Services Contract, Contract on Retaining Legal Counsel Template. A great deal will happen between now and Election Day and with a little forethought and planning, you can be prepared for all the twists and turns and, in many cases, control the situation. If you would like to download the picture to your device in high quality, just right click on the picture and choose Save As or you can download it by clicking on the share button (Twitter, Facebook or Google+) to show the download button right below the picture. Questions have been raised, for example, about whether former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski now a paid political analyst for CNN is barred under some sort of agreement from disclosing certain information about the campaign or disparaging the candidate. By Daniel Maurita Posted on February 15, 2022. CLC also participates in legal proceedings across the country to defend the right to vote and ensure fair redistricting. Use your college or law school alumni connections. 0000006438 00000 n Keep your head down and get your work done. The political sensitivity of constituent liaison work can vary from campaign to campaign, and even within a campaigns lifespan, but at times it can be quite high. HARVARD KENNEDY SCHOOL INSTITUTE OF POLITICSCambridge, MAThe Kennedy Schools Institute of Politics has many programs and centers that can help you develop your skills and knowledge about a variety of topics related to campaigns, advocacy and voting rights. As of 2019, the average salary is $57,970. You can develop this experience through work either by developing deep expertise in a practice area, or more broadly at think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation, the Brookings Institution, and the Center for American Progress. NATIONAL FEDERATION OF REPUBLICAN WOMENAlexandria, VAThe National Federation of Republican Women runs a Campaign Management School covering topics from budgeting to media strategy, with events held across the United States.