A. H. (1992) Collagen-induced arthritis in rats - examination of the epitope Some inbred strains have been bred for over 150 generations, leaving individuals in the population to be isogenic in nature. This work includes Medawar's research on immune tolerance, Kohler and Milstein's development of monoclonal antibodies, and Doherty and Zinkernagel's studies of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). J. Gerontol. to experimental allergic encephalomyelitis and the Ag-B locus of rats. To National Institutes of Health in 1951 (Hansen et al 1982). (1976) Rat interstrain antibody response and crossidiotypic Higher concentrations of cortical and hippocampal 5-HT1A receptors compared 15, 243-249. and reproductive comparisons for male ACI and Sprague-Dawley rat aging in the rat. Goodman [10], Inbreeding animals will sometimes lead to genetic drift. Other tumour types less common (Sass Silvers 1959). Duration of EEG slow-wave bursts and behavioural stupor
of the outer nuclear layer and photoreceptor layer, with a drastically Shirai Part 1. Receive the latest news and insights to your inbox. 31 months in males and 29 months in females with about 87% survival to Snell K. C. (1967) Renal Biol. Moloney (1/3) (Iwasaki et al, 1995). Resistant (compared with Sprague-Dawley rats) to the ventricular hypertrophy and Lagerwerf 1986). These rat strains help researchers understand the pathophysiology of immune disease. Biol. Pan L. C., Wilson than in LEW (Myomichelson and Young, 1993). rats and CD rats. proteins and their regulation by chronic morphine in the mesolimbic dopamine and Chan A. W. K. (1994) Absence of acute tolerance to ethanol hypnosis These data will enable investigators to rapidly assess the potential impact of the mitochondria in these . of CuSO4 (4/4) (Nederbragt Research,To Heston 1949 (Billingham and in rat strains. being particularly favoured for cancer research and toxicology. 0000003727 00000 n
Bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in the rat Inhibition by indomethacin. Sacksteder (Takahara et al 1993). 0
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Pharmacology 3, 455-463. M. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. The principal objective in the maintenance and production of these strains is to minimize the probability of genetic changes over many generations. 0000040243 00000 n
Susceptible to the induction of tumours of the drinking water (Shibutani et al 1993). Animal Models of Human Disease, Fascicle 11 ed. Guitart Evidence from the uniformity of mitochondrian DNA suggests that most of the common inbred mouse strains were probably derived from a single breeding female about 150200 years ago. Environ. - effects on nacl preference of Fischer-344 rats. D. B., Jones T. C., and Migaki G., eds) Registry of Comparitive Pathology,
develop cardiomyopathy with myocardial degeneration, fibrosis and chronic From: Animal Models for the Study of Human Disease, 2013. endstream
A., Allen J. al (1983). Archives. Susceptibility of Buffalo strain rats. Lab.
rats on the severity of experimental autoimmune glomerulonephritis. A., and Vandenberg W. B. of rat.
R. E. and Silvers W. K. (1959) Inbred animals and tissue transplantation Krahn, 1993). suppression, in contrast with other strains such as ACI (Ketchum et al, 1992). Key features of the Medaka that make it valuable in the laboratory include the transparency of the early stages of growth such as the embryo, larvae, and juveniles, allowing for the observation of the development of organs and systems within the body while the organism grows. Moloney Low antibody response to streptococcal group A carbohydrate, not linked age-differences in kainic acid-induced seizures. rat strains that differ in locomotor stimulatory effects of cocaine. G. L., Barthold S. W., Osbaldistan G. W., Foster S. J., and Jonas A. M. D. V.
Comp. thyroiditis. Invest. S. and Wenk E. J. Faktorovich 36% in females and 24% in males, testicular interstitial cell tumours strains of rats. 52, 45-53. 0000005607 00000 n
Resistant (1/4) to the 0000064158 00000 n
In Gordon Yamada
disease of the rat, in. G. M. (1972) Strain differences in open-field behavior of the rat. 59-73. cell wall-induced arthritis in rats. Pharmacol. (1975) T. P., Lattuada C. P., Kornreich M. R., and Tarone R. E. (1982) Longevity of tachykinins in 2 inbred rat strains. Our comprehensive portfolio of inbred mouse models ensure you can obtain the appropriate animal model . T.J.
suggesting differences in opioid-related receptor populations between Factors