[2]www.sutton.gov.uk, FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 - INFORMATION REQUEST - REF NO -FOIS531, I refer to your request for information received on 28/04/2021 concerning Staff are expected to implement strategies listed on SEND support plans to ensure pupil needs are met. Leaders take timely and appropriate action to address any concerns. Sutton Common Road, Sutton, SM3 9PS. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. There are up to 24 places for children with an aptitude in performing arts, to be considered for this an online registration form needs to be completed by September 27, 2019. There are three main ways to check a catchment area for a school: Use our catchment maps to check current admission trends and likelihood of admission. [3]www.kingston.gov.uk Find Nurseries, Primary and Secondary Schools near you. Find out about schools, results and catchment areas in Sutton website. We will use this information to make our 2021 Schoolopinion Ltd. All rights reserved. DfE Code: 319/4011. 8% of Sutton's schools are private schools. London Borough of Sutton 3. http://www.kingston.gov.uk/ time. Glenthorne High School | Reviews, Admissions and Catchment Area - Locrating If you are a member, you can access dedicated support via our members' helpdesk which operates 7 days a week. on our interactive map. What is included if I pay to unlock School Guide? Please see our. What would a five term school year look like? Your review is awaiting moderation and we will let you know when it is published. It reflects the school's community and connects appropriately to pupils' interests.Leaders have made careful adaptations to the curriculum to address gaps in pupils' knowledge that were caused as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.The curriculum is ambitious for most pupils. This enables us to personalise our content for you, greet you by name and remember your preferences. They include, for example, cookies that enable you to log into secure areas of our website. (Information for the school and appropriate authority) Sometimes, support for pupils with SEND does not take account of their specific needs as identified in their support plans. The intention is that all pupils regardless of need are able to access all lessons, however the site is built on a hill and some buildings are over 50 years old, so not all classrooms are accessible to pupils with physical disabilities. Your donations keep this site and others like it running. They will help improve your childs comprehension and Technical English skills, such as inference, spelling and punctuation: Technical English + Skill Specific Practice. Appropriate systems are in place to ensure that trustees are kept up to date with how the school is doing.Staff are extremely proud to work at the school and appreciate leaders' efforts to reduce workload.They feel well supported by leaders and value the professional development that they get.Safeguarding The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.All staff have received appropriate safeguarding training.Staff are clear on how to report safeguarding concerns and there are appropriate systems in place to enable this. [5], The school also offers extra-vocational facilities such as clubs. The SEN concessions officer will then write home to confirm what exam arrangements are to be put in place. Over the course of these two years, they are removed from their language lessons for additional literacy and numeracy. Sutton Borough Council did not have the information requested. . You must also name the school as one of your preferences on the CAF, which can be found, Looked after and previously looked after children, Children with exceptional medical or social reasons for attending the school, Children of permanent staff employed at the school, Children who have a sibling at the school, Glenthorne High School 11 Plus (11+) Banding Test, How to Prepare for the Glenthorne High School 11 Plus (11+) Banding Test, are an effective tool for preparation for the Glenthorne High School 11+ exam. This page is not available in other languages. 2009-2023 Locrating Ltd, All Rights Reserved. School Catchment Area Checker To Compare Schools | Best School Guide Discrimination or bullying are not tolerated. Glenthorne High School - Sutton Council This may inlcude your online behaviour, preferences, infromation about your device. These are cookies that are required for the operation of our website. You can contact us if you need help with a service or want to make a complaint. Usecode:EPPDISCOUNT, For specialist resources for CAT, ISEB Pretest, CEM Select and UKiset exams, visit our other site: Pretest Plus. Glenthorne High School dfe number 319 4011 Contact details Sutton Common Road, Sutton, SM3 9PS 020 8644 6307 enquiries@glenthorne.sutton.sch.uk Website http://www.glenthorne.sutton.sch.uk. State secondary school and sixth form (11-18 years). services through our wholly owned subsidiary Leaders and staff have high expectations for what pupils can achieve. If you are a member, you can access dedicated support via our members' helpdesk which operates 7 days a week. We may store or collect information from the browser (cookies) to recognize you and remember you preferences. nearest. [, Glenthorne High School 11 Plus (11+) Exam Information, Open Events for Glenthorne High School 11 Plus (11+) Entry, Glenthorne High School 11 Plus (11+) Admissions, If you wish your child to be considered for entry, you must complete the Home Local Authority (LA) Common Application Form (CAF) and return it to your LA by late October of the year preceding entry.