The economy of Belgium is a highly developed mixed economy. Tourism is increasingly becoming a major employer in the local area. Some Belgian families still remember their relatives who served in Congo and the tradition of "Black Pete" - a clownish servant portrayed by white people in Blackface, helping St. Nicholas bring gifts to children - remains popular though is increasingly seen as discriminatory. [20], Belgium's industry is concentrated mainly in the populous region of Flanders in the north, around Brussels and in the two biggest Walloon cities, Lige and Charleroi, along the sillon industriel. It has since developed a highly-developed transportation infrastructure made up of ports (most notably the Port of Antwerp), canals, railways, and highways, in order to integrate its industry with that of its neighbours. The most comprehensive solution to manage all your complex and ever-expanding tax and compliance needs. The Congolese did not need people to come and rule them, but at the time it was presented as if King Leopold came to Congo to bring civilisation. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. The Belgian economy also is inextricably tied to that of Europe. It is the first time that a Belgian . The Atrocities of the Congo Free State Rubber Regime - ThoughtCo In southeast Congo, the Belgians discovered large ore deposits and exported copper, tropical wood, cotton, cocoa and coffee to Europe. Belgium imports raw materials and semi-finished goods that are further processed and re-exported. Although Leopold II established Belgium as a colonial power in Africa, he is best known for the widespread atrocities that were carried out under his rule, as a result of which as many as 10 million people died in the Congo Free State. Belgium has a free-enterprise economy, with the majority of the gross domestic product (GDP) generated by the service sector. * As international condemnation grew, the Belgian state took Congo over in 1908. 8. This colonial racism continued in everyday life until the middle of the 20th century. Even the district largely rebuilt with European Union offices is dominated by an imperial Arc de Triomphe - a rival to the one in Paris. Government Spending in Belgium increased to 27582 EUR Million in the fourth quarter of 2022 from 27324 EUR Million in the third quarter of 2022. Even if many Belgians believe that they cannot be held responsible for the crimes of their ancestors, the Belgian economy profited greatly from colonial exploitation and in principle continues to do so today. In the Congo Free State, Congolese hands were sys- tematically amputated when enslaved Africans failed to meet quotas for extract- ing rubber. Reuters. However, agricultural activity in Belgium centres primarily on livestock; dairy and meat products constitute more than two-thirds of the total farm value. The official Belgian attitude was paternalism: Africans were to be cared for and trained as if they were children. Following independence, the country saw a mix of unrest, rebellion, secession movements, a long dictatorship, armed conflict, and foreign . Villages which resisted paying the rubber-tax were punished. About one-fourth of Belgiums land area is agricultural and under permanent cultivation; more than one-fifth comprises meadows and pastures. The photo was taken in 1904 at a missionary outpost in Baringa, in what was then called the Congo Free State. Among other criteria spelled out under the Maastricht treaty, the Belgian Government had to attain a budget deficit of no greater than 3% of GDP by the end of 1997; Belgium achieved this, with a total budget deficit in 2001 (just prior to implementation of the Euro) that amounted to 0.2% of GDP. Simply because their skin colour doesn't fit. Belgium - Economy | Britannica The industry leader for online information for tax, accounting and finance professionals. The people of the Congo were forced to labor for valued resources, including rubber and ivory, to personally enrich Leopold. Bureaucrats and politicians see it every day as they whizz round the Schuman roundabout. These buildings were paid for by King Leopold II. Unemployment in Wallonia is mainly structural, while in Flanders it is cyclical. See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. In the early 1980s the government attempted to reduce the budget deficit; the debt-to-GDP ratio decreased as tighter monetary and fiscal policies were implemented by the central bank. Under Leopold, my country was ruined while he took the money to build his royal palace, and his royal gardens. 1. The Congolese, who by then had some rights such as owning property and voting in elections, began to demand independence. This page provides . Most streams rise in the Ardennes and flow northward; three-fourths of the countrys groundwater originates in the south. But while Belgium prospered from its African connection, Congo's story has been one of chaos and decline. century all the way up to the horrendous period known as the slave Today, Belgium is one of the richest countries in Europe. Much of that money, Hochschild suggests, went to buying Leopold's teen-age mistress, a former call girl named Caroline, expensive dresses and villas, and building ever grander . In my opinion, we should call this what it was - genocide. * In 2020, Belgiums current king, Philippe expressed deep regret for the suffering and humiliation inflicted on Congo during its 75 years under Belgian rule. [37], Media related to Economy of Belgium at Wikimedia Commons, Parts of this article (those related to Outdated statistics) need to be. At the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885, other European countries did not want the Congo River region. Belgian Congo, French Congo Belge, former colony (coextensive with the present-day Democratic Republic of the Congo) in Africa, ruled by Belgium from 1908 until 1960. Anti-European religious groups were active by the 1920s, including Kimbanguism and the Negro Mission in the west and Kitawala in the southeast. Belgium has struggled to come to terms with its colonial past and its government has never expressed regret the same way King Philippe has done although in 2020 a Congo committee was established in the wake of the global anti-racism protests sparked by the police killing of George Floyd. The Congo became an independent republic on June 30, 1960. When these children pass by the royal palace, they have to know, to understand that Congolese gave their blood for that. Since the largest concentration of population is in the north, there is a marked regional disjunction between water supply and demand. However, thanks to Belgium's high personal savings rate, the Belgian Government financed the deficit from mainly domestic savings, minimizing the deleterious effects on the overall economy.[20]. Previously, he was based in Paris as Energy Correspondent. The open countryside of north-central BelgiumHainaut, Flemish Brabant, Walloon Brabant, and Hesbaye (the region of rolling land southwest of Limburg)includes pastureland as well as intensive diversified cultivation of such crops as wheat, sugar beets, and oats; local variations include orchards in northern Hesbaye. Belgian Congo, French Congo Belge, former colony (coextensive with the present-day Democratic Republic of the Congo) in Africa, ruled by Belgium from 1908 until 1960. Most farms in the far northmaritime Flanders and the lower Schelderange in size from 25 to 75 acres (10 to 30 hectares), some of which are under pasture, while the remainder are cultivated, with wheat and sugar beets again the dominant crops. The federal government has not managed to present balanced budgets in recent years and public debt remains high, at 99% of 2009 GDP.