He will flirt though as hes born to do it. Your write up really is helpful for my relationship with my Aries. What else does an Aries guy tend to look for? He may like sports, play sports, gym workouts, or other varieties of physical fun. When you can engage in activities and travel as much as possible with him, he will find you more attractive. Show your Aries partner your genuine physique. Certain Aries males favour ladies with long hair. His actions scream that hes afraid. First, he likes confident women, and women who take good care of themselves are more likely to be self-assured. Just try to look as good as you can. 45 Crab Puns And Jokes You Should Not Miss. An Aries man will happily be the eternal bachelor if he ever got the choice. He wants to be sure that the woman hes looking for will be able to keep up with all the various activities he likes to do, or at least some of them. Let your Aries man see your muscles. Being catty will not win you any favors with the Aries man. So, get outdoors and start doing stuff! If you want him to do something differently; just ask calmly. Aries men tend to gravitate toward women who have physically fit bodies. How can you woo an Aries male? Make it worth his while to wait a little bit so that when you finally give in; he feels hes won a really sexy and worth prize. She needs to be fit, ambitious, independent, loving, open, honest, and very loyal. He surprises me, comes to my rescue and hes consistent in his efforts of communicating with me. But they love people who do. This is true. My aries has a rising a possible scorpio (not for sure), Mars in Taurus, moon in taurus, mercury in Pisces. This guide reveals the 13 traits that an Aries man desires in a woman. The Aries feels so much sometimes, they have a really hard time distinguishing between the passion of the moment, and what they are actually feeling. An Aries likes a person who they don't have to mince words around their directness often tests boundaries, and they are. One of the best gifts for an Aries man is anything that encourages his physical fitness. It is more probable that he will notice you if you exude confidence everywhere you go. When an Aries man searches for a woman, he doesn't really search. What would be an Aries mans ideal partner? His ideal partner is not someone that always has to have their way. An Aries needs someone who they can push back against, who can take the passion and the heat and not scare away. Some Aries approved staple pieces would be: Whatever you find an Aries in, be ready to feel as passionately about their outfit as they feel about life. If he really IS interested in you; hell ask you a lot of questions that are of importance. Their sense of style is usually as stylish, edgy and experimental as they are. Every zodiac sign tends to have certain characteristics, which leads to them looking for certain things in a woman. He doesnt want to have to check in a lot or have to deal with a clingy girlfriend. Hes looking for a partner that will be just as turned on as he is much of the time. This sign will think youre the perfect lover! What Kind of Woman Attracts an Aries Man? Astrologify Hell appreciate anything that you do for him, whether its doing the chores around the house or making him his favorite meal. Seeing you work toward your goals and THEN relaxing is perfectly acceptable. Their purpose on this planet is to push the needle forward and go where no one has gone before. Continue reading if you want to know more about what an Aries man is looking for in a relationship. RELATED: 6 Most Angry Zodiac Signs Who Are Easily Agitated. It just means that sometimes, he wants to be utterly alone or with friends. Do your nails, do your hair, start working out. There are ways you can accentuate traits of yours thatll make him go crazy for you. Even if you are the most gorgeous and physically fit person in the world, an Aries guy would not find you appealing if you are constantly insecure. He's Fun-Loving and Spontaneous. So if you are typically a recluse and dont really do a whole lot; Aries may not be the best fit for you.