This guitar appears to be all original, the fret wear and fretboard have only minimal wear. True a 50s strat or Les Paul will always be valuable, but precisely how valuable will be subject to various factors. Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. May 5, 2004. This article has been viewed 194,833 times. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Guitaresque is the #1 place for guitar gear reviews. However, a guitar that is only worth $40 brand new will not sell for much money at all. We catalog the millions of pieces of gear bought and sold on Reverb to evaluate specific products and conditions. This chart details the year, model and beginning/ending serial numbers for each . Ebay doesnt have any in a similar year or condition. Left-handed guitars and righties are welcome, just give us a call and we can work with you to figure everything out. You may be able to compare the guitar you have to images online of guitars made in certain years by the same maker. This website uses cookies to personalise content and adverts, to provide social media features, and to analyse traffic. Guitar that is made to a high standard of quality will usually be made from good-quality components and is typically made with good craftsmanship as well. You will learn what factors should be considered to value a guitar, what methods you can use to get the most accurate value, and how you can sell it after. Dating a guitar is not only a useful and interesting thing to be able to do, in financial and historical terms it is vital. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 194,833 times. Well-priced gear is likely to sell faster. The Acoustic Guitar Forum > General Acoustic Guitar and Amplification Discussion > General Acoustic Guitar Discussion: Guild D55 Buy with confidence This is an obvious factor, but the quality of the instrument is integral to the value of the instrument. If this is the case for your guitar, you'll have to do a little more work to find out exactly how old it is. ?s- early 1970? The Reverb Gear Dating Hub | Reverb News Our database contains over 240,000 different products and counting. Going to an exclusive dealer of guitars of the same make as the one you're trying to date may be your best bet. Between the years 1990 and 1994, Guild continued with the system which used a separate serial number prefix for each guitar model. When selling wholesale, or selling your entire collection at one time, expect to be offered anywhere from 30% to 50% of the total retail value depending on the quality and condition of your items. Lets learn some of the ways to value a guitar and explore some examples of guitar value. If you just found out you have an old guitar in an old house, or you simply bought a guitar many years ago, and now you want to sell it but do not know how much it is worth we got your back! Be more specific. Price transparency helps everyone understand the value of what theyre buying and selling.