Remembering Ranboo, Techno and Phil agreed that they could give him shelter, but Techno wanted to keep his emotional distance after the last person he took in, Tommy, betrayed him. They agreed that L'manburg was in the past and only seem to be slightly cautious around eachother. In the Prison Break, Techno is pressured by Sam when he takes Ranboo hostage, which eventually leads to Ranboo's death. When Dream did so, he summoned DreamXD instead. The visit turned out to be a trap, with Sam locking Techno with Dream in the prison, who believed that Techno would have broken Dream out of prison otherwise. Technoblade is Canonically a Child on the Dream SMP On their way back to their winter cabin, they were intercepted by Dream. He was even more impressed when Ranboo broke a spawner without destroying it. He decided that Niki would be a good candidate, but before he could send her a message, she sent him one saying she knew he was looking for her and asking where he wanted to meet. The two did not know what to do with the portal blocks, so they decided to make a table out of it. [23], While they were imprisoned together, Techno wanted Dream to write down everything he knew about the prison to help with breaking out. Named by a Twitter poll,[8] it is used to obliterate orphans. -, "All right, 2, 4, 6, 8, who do we appreciate? During the chaos of the Doomsday War, Sapnap picked up the Axe of Peace from one of Tommy's deaths, and intended to use it as leverage or bargaining on a later date, and didn't care if he dangled it above Tommy's or Techno's heads. Techno then told the truth to Tommy, revealing his true intentions to destroy L'Manberg, leaving a smoking crater that could never be rebuilt. 32. level 2. Dream SMP citizens have assisted Techno multiple times. It was seized by Tubbo during Techno's execution, but later returned during a hostage exchange. Weight 72 kg or 158.5 lbs Race / Ethnicity White Sexual Orientation Straight Distinctive Features Round face He sported a pair of rectangular-shaped reading glasses. When Techno broke Dream, Ranboo, and Connor out of the prison, Sam killed Ranboo after showing him a picture of Michael. It's the only reason why he's getting . [14] During the final battle, Techno did not agree with reinstating the government, so Dream sided with him and helped him destroy L'Manberg.[15]. He stated that this was the most important part. Wilbur, siding with Techno, dug a pit for the two to brawl their emotions out in. You know when I first found you in my house, you were uh you were just like living under the floorboards like a raccoon. Kristin appears during many of Phil's streams and in some of his videos, and is active on Twitter and Instagram. He canonized his chat, calling them the ", It was previously thought to be canon that his father was. The three of them then set off to find Sam. They retrieve MICHAEL, dubbing themselves the Revengers, and head to Ranboo's house since Tubbo's had been ransacked. Following the Doomsday War, Ranboo joined Techno and Phil, building his own home nearby. Navigating under, and through, Techno and Apollo (his new dog), swam with fire resistance through the prison's lava lakes until he found Dream's cell. However, while trying to do this, Techno was teleported to The Syndicate's meeting room by Philza. After Dream's warning of a traitor within Pogtopia, many members returned to suspecting Technoblade, though he continued to actively deny it. He searched around Techno's cabin, but did not manage find him. Techno was trapped in a guillotine while Tubbo gave a short speech. Upon arriving at his cabin, Techno found Tommy lurking in the area. Derivakat | Wikitubia | Fandom When Techno aligned himself with Wilbur's goals for destruction, Tommy was forced to reconsider his idolization of him, and after he killed Tubbo in the festival, Tommy started holding a firmly negative opinion of Techno. Techno retrieved it after escaping from pandora's vault. Killed by nuke. Techno tried to invite Niki to the Syndicate, however Niki was unsure if she could become a full-fledged anarchist as she has yet to assassinate Tommy and Dream. how tall is philza canonically - Although Techno did eventually break Dream out of Pandora's Vault, the jailbreak cost Ranboo his life, motivating Techno to get his revenge on Sam for killing Ranboo, and to honour Ranboo's presumed final wish to save his adopted son Michael alongside Tubbo.