May 14, 2014 #1 ; Has Anyone Had The Experience Of Messing With A Prep Forumla Of 50% Toulene And 50% Xylene. Dirt Tire Prep | Get Started Racing Thanks. The drying process allows the formula to penetrate your go-kart tires and the surface area to dry. Allow the tire to dry fully. For example older asphalt tracks with more rubber deposits tend to have a high bite than standard concrete tracks. HDM has added the following to our product line. Tire Preps for Racing Go Karts | Goat Pee Prep New to the karting scene trying to get my son competitive.. Youre going to spend the same amount if not more on chemicals to make the stuff than you would buying a proven prep line. After warming up, if not better, sell'em at the swap-meet. The tire-and-wheel assembly is mounted on an electrified wheel turning unit, which slowly rotates the tire and allows precise control of the grinding process. I never leave my tires outside, exposed to sunlight. Walk over and peek under the covers they often place over their tires between races. Cover your tires in a second coat and let them air dry again. CarlsonMotorsports Site Supporter. One way to think about it is that the tire isnt working right if its sealed over, so youre actually getting more for your money by taking off a shallow layer of rubber. Keep in mind it takes most inside prep 2-3 days to completely pull through the tire. Good Luck. The condition of a tire directly impacts how well it performs. Generally speaking, when it comes to a low bite track you want to be applying a thicker layer of tire prep formula. Wont have my new tires for a another race or two. By joining you are opting in to receive e-mail. If your tires aren't sealed or glazed over, you can easily bring them down in the 30's. Goat pee, Krug, btgp, or Topaz will do the job easily. #2 Tire Cleaner - will soften a tire anyone wanna share ?? This racers left-front tire strategy includes horizontal grooves on the inner two-thirds of the tire with angled grooves on the outer third, along with extra grooves on the treads shoulder. Protect your eyes and hands with the goggles and chemical resistant gloves. Using this technique will soften the rubber to get the desired traction or grip. Dan. Tire Softening/tire Prep | PlanetMinis Forums I've not used any myself to be able to speak to how well they worked. ASK ME ABOUT FOCARS: Just curiousWhy do you say never on carpet? Run 6-8 laps at no greater than speed, then let the tire completely cool down. You should read instructions on the tire prep container carefully. Its a balancing act trying to decide how to get sharper edges without running the risk of the tool-grooved edges rolling over on you and reducing traction. Mix equal amounts of the acetone, transmission fluid and mineral spirits in the container. for dirt i would use wintergreen on tires it cleans them and softens them. Apply Dirt in comparison to traditional race track surfaces offer very low amounts of traction. Copyright 2003-2020 HDM Company & HDM Performance Parts All rights reserved. You can also wrap the tires in plastic for a deeper penetration. Acrysol can applied externally in coats with a brush or Located in a very diverse region rich in assets, not only geographically (relief, climate), but also economic and human, the Lyon-Grenoble Auvergne-Rhne-Alpes is the latest INRAE centre to be created. For a high bite track you may either want to opt for a thin coat or even skip tire prepping completely, depending on the bite of the respective race track. We will discuss some tips and tricks along the way any questions of course ask and you shall . Siping seems to help dissipate the heat from the center of the tire under those conditions. the certain oils that the lotion contains is comparable to the natural oils that rubber tires have = grip. Combine that sealed surface with the mechanical polishing of the tread simply by spinning of the tire, and you lose bite. Thanks Gentlemen. If you retain any of your tire softening mixture, be sure to label it appropriately. externally in coats with a brush or roller. The guy I bought my son's kart from gave us tire prep that he used. Step 1: The best way to soften the tyres is by using kerosene. // -->. Unless you know what is chemically going on with a tire, homebrews are "voodoo science", basically stumbling onto a concoction that works and never knowing why, or how to modify it for different conditions. Youve got to be careful using real aggressive stones so you dont tear up the edges of any sipes youve put in the tread, because that can lead to chunking., Harris: Lets say youre running an American Racer G60 on a really dry-slick track. So I figured I should keep using the same stuff. Come with us today and find out how we prep our race car tires. Mechanical preparation of tire treads is an inexact science because of the variable nature of dirt tracks. hello i spoke to a guy i use for my chems and he is going to find out how much it will be as soon as i find out ill post on here ok. All you need to do is move the sander horizontally to ensure that you cover the entire surface area. DRC21 Member. OIL OF WINTERGREEN IS ACTUALLY METHYLSALILCYLIC ACID KEY WORD ACID IT IS COMMONLY USE FOR WORT REMOVAL AND SKIN CARE YOU WILL FIND IT IN A LOT OF ACNE MEDS. cost per gallon of NMP.? Its therefore very important that you ensure not breaking race regulations. Check the inside edge, the center, and the outside edge of each tire and record the readings. The guy I bought my son's kart from gave us tire prep that he used. Homemade Tire Softener ideas? - KartPulse: Karting's Community Hub During the process, youll need to access all four tires easily and ensure that none of the tires have contact with the ground. Rivets and by hotrod Wed Oct 25, 2006 6:30 pm, Post Not the fastest .just wanna be competitive. The bite of a track basically means how much traction your wheels get. Thats what some guys who I trust told me, and Im happy with the way they work. That outer grooving seems to help the tire fire faster when were really hammering the corners and the tires are rolling over a lot., Norris: Study your tires after a race. The first thing you will notice is that the outer tire requires more tire prep formula than the inner tire. I think the heat of the grooving iron does something to the rubber on the edges of the grooves. The 5 Best Go-Kart Tire Prep Formulas | GoKartGuide