In their natural habitat, they prefer to live in clear water bodies with high dissolved oxygen levels. You could try something like that at the spot he hangs out. They also tend to be peaceful and won't compete for food or territory with your Betta. Corydoras prefer warmer water, while hillstream loaches require cooler water. Below is the ideal range of parameters for Hillstream Loach: Water quality is one of the most important factors in maintaining a healthy aquarium. These fish are relatively small, so they are a good choice for nano aquariums. Hillstream loaches are best in school of three or four. This is due to the fact that these fish do best when kept in a group of 3-4, so a larger tank is needed to ensure they have enough room to move around and feel secure. Can Hillstream Loaches Eat Snails? Hillstream loach - Wikipedia This can be done by performing regular water changes and using a stronger filter. They are also very active and playful, which is another reason you should get them if your tank conditions are in their favor. There are many different types of aquatic plants that are compatible with Hillstream Loach. These fish prefer habitats with rocky substrates and plenty of hiding places. As a matter of fact, fast flowing water will easily push the fish at high speeds and a small tank will inconvenience its movement. If you have a community tank, other fish might eat the newly hatched fish. Bottom-dwelling fish housed with Hillstream Loaches must have enough surface area, food, and hiding spots. They will be able to give you the proper medication to treat the infection. Goldfish arent the only type of coldwater fish. So its easy to find some compatible tank mates for them. This guide will teach you everything you need to know about butterfly loach care. The best tank size for a small group of 3 hillstream loaches is 20 gallons; a longer tank will provide more open swimming space and surfaces for algae to grow for your loaches. When everything is ready, add the fish to the tank and let them acclimate. They are active and playful and enjoy hiding among the rocks and plants in their tank. These fish are like your typical sucker fish but with more of a coolness factor, and they are smaller to boot. Hillstream loaches are small, freshwater fish that are native to Southeast Asia. They are a relatively small fish, with a slim and elongated body and an eye-catching pattern of stripes. Ultimately, it's up to you and your budget, as hillstream loaches can cost around $15 each. Differentiating males from females can also be difficult if theyre not fully mature adults. These fish share many of the same requirements as the loaches, including a preference for well-oxygenated waters and a diet of small live foods like brine shrimp, bloodworms, daphnia, etc. Others recommend a more sparsely decorated tank with a sandy substrate and plenty of open swimming space. (Everything You Need To Know), A Complete Care Guide for German Blue RamsFeeding, Housing, Breeding, and More, Freshwater Crabs - 15 Great Selections (With Pictures), Freshwater Angelfish - A Complete Care Guide, Tropical Fish Species - 30 Popular Types (With Pictures! This aquarium setup would mimic the fast-moving, boulder-filled streams and rivers these fish originate from. There's something about watching koi swimming slowly in a pond that just relaxes us and drowns out all the unnecessary noise in our lives. Your tank water needs to be filled with the things generated from water changes. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Given time, it should become more confident even being alone. The minimum tank size for hillstream loaches is 20 gallons. All these features make these loaches resemble tiny little freshwater stingrays! These fish are usually greenish-yellow body color that is decorated with brown or black spots and patterns. Their eyes are small and set high on the head. Just make sure that the caves arent too small or the fish might get stuck. At this point, you may need to humanely euthanize your fish. What Size Tank Do Hillstream Loaches Need? Hillstream loaches do best when kept in groups of 4 or more of their own species. Angelfish And Hillstream Loach | Pet Igloo An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. If you kept it in too warm of a tank for a long time, its health may have deteriorated irreversibly. The fins on the Butterfly hillstream loach are all very thin and delicate. Though tank conditions might allow for live aquarium plants with intense lighting, theyre not necessary for the success of your hillstream loach. Pros Clean up algae Your typical hillstream loach won't grow larger than 2.5 inches. Hillstream Loaches: A Comprehensive Guide [2023] On the other hand, the pH level of water should be between 6 to 8. This allows the loach to stay out of other fish's way and integrate into any peaceful and calm community setup. Hillstream loaches make great additions to any aquarium because of their peaceful nature, low maintenance requirements, and attractive appearance. You should choose any territory-hungry, aggressive and big species that can see them as prey. Unlike plecos, the small size of Hillstream loach makes them perfect for smaller aquariums. If you get just one, it may be lonely, but if you get two there is a chance that the stronger one could bully the weaker one over food or territory. Besides, they can also eat pellets, fish flakes, algae wafers, and more in some cases. Hillstream Loaches are not one of these "Tank-buster" fish, usually remaining under 3 inches, but do require specialized care. In the aquarium, hillstream loaches will appreciate plants for coverage and shade. Together, a powerful filter and an aerator can create a unidirectional water flow that carries dissolved oxygen; additional wave pumps may be needed to create the desired effect.