The State Hospital for the Insane at Warren, Pennsylvania was established by an act of the legislature approved on August 14, 1873, and admitted its first patient on December 5, 1880. ; and the presence or absence of bruises or other injuries. Harrisburg State Hospital - History These registers contain information regarding the discharge of male patients from the Philadelphia State Hospital. 3 0 obj Obtaining Medical Records - Baptist Health Statistical data on penitentiaries, reformatories, hospitals for the insane, criminal courts, county jails, alms-houses, township poor farms, and medical charities were compiled at the end of each yearly report from 1873 on and many of these statistical breakdowns contain information on African Americans. (49 volumes, 18 boxes), Reports on County Homes, 1917-1935. Also included are receipts for items that were placed in the safe or that were transferred to another institution. A nine-member board of trustees was empowered to appoint a superintendent, purchase land, and construct facilities near Harrisburg for the "Pennsylvania State Lunatic Hospital and Union Asylum for the Insane." By an act of the legislature in 1937, the haphazard system of poor districts was abolished and county institution districts were set up. Phone: 305-243-5272. Send a message to your doctor. (1 volume), Death Registers of Females, 1909-1942. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. The Department of Welfare was established in 1921 to take over the responsibilities of the Board of Public Charities, the Commission of Lunacy, and the Prison Labor Commission among others. The case book lists any affliction related to the patients previous health history, what was believed to be the predisposing cause of the illness, whether the patient had experienced any former illness, whether the present illness had been preceded by any premonitory symptoms such as restlessness, unusual elevation or depression of spirits, or any deviation from ordinary habits and conduct, and whether the patient had undergone any previous treatment or had been subject to personal restraint. Other commitment information found in these registers includes the name of the person who was financially responsible for the patient; whether the patient was committed by friends, court, or overseer of the poor; whether the patient was an insane convict or was classified as criminally insane; the patients physical condition and the nature of any or mental physical disorder; the perceived cause of the insanity; any complications (epileptic, paralytic, suicidal, homicidal, idiot, imbecile); the duration of the attack in years, months and days; the number of attacks; and the age of the patient at the time of the first attack. This 312-bed community hospital in East Pennsboro Township provides outpatient and inpatient diagnostic, medical and surgical services. 2023 Penn State Health. Information on the patients condition includes the name of the person by whom committed (court order, friend, or family member) and who will pay for keep, cause and form of insanity, names of insane relatives, number of attacks and admissions, and the duration of attacks before admission. Information given includes census data on the following categories of persons: children, epileptics, feebleminded (not insane), tubercular, and colored. A record of patients admitted to Woodville State Hospital. The portal for UPMC Cole patients receiving inpatient care. Brewer gave to various institutions totaled over $370,000. Also included is correspondence covering such matters as flood damage. Once the patient has been discharged, the patient's health record proceeds to the analysis stage in which the chart is reviewed for any incomplete . Founded on April 14, 1845, the hospital was originally known as the Pennsylvania State Lunatic Hospital and Union Asylum for the Insane. Female Admission Registers, 1884-1923. In-progress list of direct links to selected collections of genealogical interest below. 1882-1920]. Harrisburg State Hospital - Asylum Projects Contact the Pennsylvania State Archives reference department either by email ( or by phone ( (717) 783-3281). (1 carton, 2 volumes) Arranged chronologically by year. Fax: 305-243-5274. (32 volumes) Arranged chronologically by date of report. The Allegheny County Home was a municipal corporation, established and chartered in 1852 for the care, treatment, and maintenance of indigent persons with a physical illness. Information given about each patient includes admission number, name, date of admission, and in many instances race, sex, religion, and home address. For the year 1928 and the period 1931-1934, the Annual Reports contain narrative accounts of operations of the Philadelphia State Hospital as well as the Annual Statistical Reports which were submitted to the Department of Statistics of the National Committee for Mental Hygiene. Human Resources Medical Records | Harris Regional Hospital (4 volumes), General Registers of Male Patients, 1895-1939. Mail: Harrison County Community Hospital Health Information 2600 Miller St., Bethany, MO 64424. Choose an option below for a customized menu. The portal for UPMC Cole patients receiving inpatient care. When the hospital opened for patients in 1880 it was divided into mens and womens departments. Medical Case Books of the Male Department, 1881-1924. Men and women are listed separately. These volumes document the admission of female patients into Danville State Hospital. One is for the Philadelphia State Hospital, and the other is for the childrens "camp" program. To learn more, visit These registers document the deaths of patients at Mayview State Hospital. Contact UPMC Harrisburg 111 S. Front St. Harrisburg, PA 17101 717-782-3131 View a facility map (PDF) View our community locations, directions, and parking information. (1 volume), Admission Book of the Insane Department of the Pittsburgh North Side City Home, 1911-1916. Please contact (717) 782-3293 for instructions. Supported by private contributions since 1852, it had a nine-decade tradition of state appropriations that enabled the hospital to expand its facilities and care for the increasing number of mentally ill persons. To obtain copies of your medical records for yourself, another individual, or an organization, you must complete a signed authorization form. All non-patient related material is closed for 75 years from its creation. Research requests for patient records will only be processed if the patient has been deceased for at least 50 years or if a record is a least 75 years old.