We understand that a concerted and sustained effort must be undertaken as we attempt to solve these problems.At the same time, we acknowledge that these issues adversely affect all of the University's constituencies. Correction: An earlier version of this story misspelled the last name of retired Navy Admiral William McRaven and gave the wrong name for the military unit that he led. The social media group Keep Us Safe TU documented these incidents, which was believed to have played a crucial role in keeping students informed. President Ballard-Washington served well and gave her best. Instead, Castro praised Lamas in performance reviews and endorsed him for a lifetime achievement award. The day of Mr. Nassars sentencing, Michigan States president, Lou Anna K. Simon, resigned under pressure of her handling of the case. Why do university presidents lose their jobs? | In Trust Blog John Lewis, the chair of Bob Jones University's Board of Trustees, announced his resignation Thursday. Greenville, SC 29609, News tips/online questions: greenville@postandcourier.com, Subscription questions: subserve@postandcourier.com, var html = new Date().getFullYear(); The actions of the campus over the past month have shown the world that Michigan State University will not accept micromanagement by board members of the operations of this great institution, Dr. Stanley said. "We write to let you know that today the Temple By then, Michigan State had cycled through two presidents because of the Nassar scandal. I take full responsibility for this oversight, he wrote. Copyright 2023 WPVI-TV. Savannah State President Kimberly Ballard-Washington has resigned from her post, according to an email sent to SSU faculty on Thursday afternoon. The Texas Southern University president announced Saturday he will be stepping down at the end of the I understand the responsibilities and higher standards of senior level leadership. Why Floridas Public College Presidents Should Resign. "Each will have discrete responsibilities for the university's essential functions and provide a stable foundation for us as we look toward the search for our next president.". In a news release, the school announced that the chairman of its board of trustees had accepted Bob Caslens resignation, thanking him for his service. The private evangelical university was founded in 1927 as Bob Jones College in Bay County, Fla. Nancy Temple, a lawyer representing Mr. Gupta, said that he was fully participating in the universitys investigation into the matter and had no further comment. After pressure from the board of trustees, the president of Michigan State University announced his resignation on Thursday, the third president in four years to leave the university prematurely. The 51-year-old has led the university since July of 2021. I take full responsibility for this oversight, Caslen wrote in a letter to students obtained by CNN affiliate WIS. University president resigns after plagiarizing part of a speech by the former head of US Special Operations Command. Winds WSW at 15 to 25 mph. Her resignation comes the day before the final day of classes for spring semester. rgilchrest@postandcourier.com, Bob Jones Press spends $12M on new machines, sees rise in print sales, Bob Jones president resigned over conflict with chairman, letters show, Bob Jones University board chair resigns amid conflict with president, Bob Jones University board elects new chairman after resignation, SC woman charged in fatal collision with golf cart carrying wedding party on Folly Beach. Caslens supporters touted his 43 years in the military and five years as superintendent of West Point. The principal said he had committed plagiarism and served an eight-day, unpaid suspension after apologizing to students and the community. This announcement comes one week after the The Board is thankful for his presidency of In a brief resignation letter sent out the same day, Mr. Rosenberg, 72, merely cited his own personal health issues, as well as his wifes worsening physical health. Dynes quitting as head of UC - presided over compensation rgilchrest@postandcourier.com Nicolas Personsfor the Daily News. Officer Christopher Fitzgerald, 31, was shot after pursing three people dressed in black and wearing masks in an area where there had been a series of robberies and carjackings. It is not only McRaven that has been a source for unsourced material. You can reach her at dchhetri@gannett.com or @ChhetriDevyani. Pedro Portal/Miami Herald, via Associated Press. Temple University President Jason Wingard resigned on Tuesday as the Philadelphia campus struggles with a violent crime wave that has deterred applicants from enrolling at the school. Student and faculty leaders opposed the retired general and U.S. Military Academy superintendent, arguing he lacked qualifications, such as a doctoral degree or university research experience, and knew little about the school.