A girl changes her style and walks confidently to attract a boys attention. Black goop oozing from character's nose, eyes. Did you know you can flag iffy content? Plot Summary Characters possessed by demons. Evil Dead Rise director breaks down the cheese grater scene | EW.com But some kissing scenes between girl and boy, and between girl and girl (as friends). A girl says "We should eat them" it is unexpected. Common Sense Media. Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010) - Parents Guide - IMDb A soldier picks her fingernail with a sharp knife. Pretty much no sexual content from start to to end. She thinks she is going to get hurt but has her hair cut which she hates at first. He quickly digs her back up and uses a makeshift defibrillator made from a car battery and syringes to resurrect her. A young woman gets into a car in a parking garage and sees something in her rearview mirror; she gets out of the car to investigate and finds bodies, blood and matter all around as something unseen zooms toward her while she screams. You also have to search high and low for more ammo and other resources, while also finding ways to open up new areas of the town -- which often requires that you solve some rather clever puzzles. Children/kids in peril. Hells Paradise Episode 6 Release Date, Time, and Spoilers, My Hero Academia Chapter 387 Spoilers and Release Timeline, Video Game News, Reviews, Guides & More | Attack of the Fanboy | 2022 GAMURS Group All Rights Reserved, Evil Dead Rise Age Rating and Parents Guide, Evil Dead Rise: Full Cast, Release Date and More. Scary convulsing. Only a few sexual references and a woman licks another woman's leg. Mature, gory survival horror scares up intensely good play. | A teen boy invites a teen girl to go to his apartment to watch a movie and she declines the invitation saying, In your dreams. A character has a knife held to their neck so someone sneaks up behind them and hits them in the head with a frying pan knocking them out. The film itself can be quite intense as it's two sides against eachother. Zombies bite a woman's arm and a man's leg. THE ASSIGNED NUMBERS AR-rated film is unsuitable for minors. One character has a habit of drinking canned margaritas, but we don't see her drunk. | A woman under the influence of a force carries a shard of broken mirror and lunges toward another woman, and she stabs through the other womans hand (we see the shard in the womans hand and we see blood). A woman hits a zombie in the back with an axe; we see it with the axe in its back. We see people being restrained as a knife moves across their throat and the bottom halves of two bodies struggling; we hear the sounds of a woman screaming and a noise like a knife being sharpened as throats are slit and see blood, but don't see the actual cuts. Evil's diverse cast is led by a strong female character -- who has sexual tension with the male lead, so expect romantic complications. How does Kristen compare to other TV portrayals of women? Adjust limits for Sex, Romance & Nudity in your kid's entertainment guide. Is it supposed to be? Here are ratings for every country showing Evil Dead Rise: There are no sexual references or nudity shown in Evil Dead Rise. Common Sense Media Reviewer The fact that the movie places children in danger -- especially Kassie, who, in real life, is only 11 -- creates a slight, unpleasant distraction from fully enjoying the wild ride, but overall Evil Dead Rise will make fans say "groovy.". who looks like a rotting corpse and cuts off one of her fingers; we see the finger being sliced off with seeping blood. You will see characters being stabbed, slashed, scalped, and bitten by those possessed with demonic forces. A character is thrown across the room. You can help us help kids by Characters fight on a cliff fall of the cliff which they both survive. ; and that's not all. A woman walks alone through a laboratory (the walls are smeared with blood and animal cages are covered with bloody tissue), she hears something approaching her and then sees a blood-covered zombie dog that snarls, barks and chases her through a door where a human zombie lunges at her; the woman kicks and punches it sending it crashing into glass shelves. Unlike the previous game, Village has a lot more action, and variety in combat scenarios, which feels similar to an even earlier installment in the franchise, 2005's Resident Evil 4. However, this is extremely easy to miss, and can only be seen in slow-mo or paused. Yes, Evil Dead Rise has severe violence and gore. Common Sense Media reviewers include writers, editors, and child development experts. Evil Dead Rise is rated R for intense, bloody horror violence, gore, and some language. All rights reserved. Rated R for strong sci-fi/horror violence, language and sexuality/nudity. It shows its sharp teeth. Pay attention to a scary scene; notice how lighting and imagery changes, and what sounds and music you hear. Some people are chased by zombies and are grabbed at as they squeeze through a door. A woman says "I gonna get laid." An adult kisses a child. Gabrielle Echols' demonically possessed teenager . You will hear curse words like slut, shit, ass, bitch, screw, and hell in Evil Dead Rise. Brutal finale involving a wood chipper and a chainsaw. Language is infrequent, but "damn," "hell," and "bitch" all make an appearance. Common Sense and other associated names and logos are trademarks of Common Sense Media, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (FEIN: 41-2024986).