A scholar? The mouse continues squeaking, only louder. You belong in Erudite. You belong in Abnegation! You are selfless!Putting others needs before your own comes naturally for you. I hit the mouse with the bag of rocks. But I also got 40% Abnegation, which I wasn't expecting. Did you have an easy time selecting your classes in school or not? ENTPs are very knowledge driven and may feel comfortable in the Erudite faction, where their main goal is to seek wisdom and understanding. You respond "Maybe I have, maybe I haven't, what's it to you?" They would value the no-nonsense honest nature of the Candor faction. As an ENTP we find it likely that you will be Divergent, if so you may find yourself connecting with more than just the Dauntless faction. Thank you for reading this description. Candor are honest and always speak their minds. Your best friend is your best friend because they are: You like this really embarrassing band which nobody knows about and then at school they are giving away free ticketsto see them, and nobody has taken a single one, what do you do? You? ESTJs are one of the types least likely to be Divergent since they believe strongly in upholding societies rules. Welcome to the Official Divergent Faction Aptitude Test. UmI got some sure strange as heck results. Maybe you're secretly brave like the Dauntless. Uses real statistical data. They are strong-willed and seek to accomplish their goals with confidence. You know yourself pretty well, even in your teens. Those people are the Divergent, and no one likes them. Within the movies i think of Genetically pure and Divergent as slightly different, because remember in Allegiant when Tris said to David "There are lots of Divergents" and David replied saying "not Divergent Tris pure" and how Four is still damaged "not as damaged as Caleb but still damaged", This topic was also mentioned in some countinity error of the films, because Tris was said to be 100% when she only had 3 aptitutes, however i believe it's because she's capable of getting all 5 aptitutes but maybe not at that time, remember how in insurgent movie, Jeanine was talking about the irony, how she needed to pass Amity eventhough she was very angry. Search, watch, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one place! Feedback. Quiz. You are doing a science project, and you get partnered with someone you really don't like. The world spins around you and you find you're not by the cliff anymore. You value community and are really selfless. In the Divergent world, you can only belong to one group; Abnegation, Amity, Candor, Dauntless or Erudite. Veronica Roth's 'Divergent' is a trilogy of young adult dystopian novels which tell the story of a post-apocalyptic Chicago as Beatrice Prior discovers who she is in a society that defines its citizens based on their personality-related affiliation to one of five factions Candor, Erudite, Dauntless, Amity, and Abnegation. What that percentage measurement of divergence which is done on people by Eric using a instrument, means in movie Insurgent? But her test showed dauntless, eriudite and abnegation. It provides a good indication of what . To start off with, which faction do you WANT to be in? Erudite are scientific and believe in learning the truth above all else. Pick another story to get into. I'm 80% dauntless. Not that it surprised me, though. You wake in a large dimmed room with white walls and a wood floor. Are you a great fan of the Divergent series? Reporting on what you care about. how to spawn a npc in minecraft: java edition. Heavy stuff, right? It's time Before the test begins, the technician studies you. After receiving the results of the aptitude test, a divergent person can choose to stay in the faction they were born into or test into a more fitting faction. That's the last thing I would want, I don't jump. Being kind shows you care for others, and in Amity, there is a whole community there, each one looking out for each other. . ESTJ are very strong-willed and sometimes demanding. 'Divergent' tests are all the rave today! They are caring and extremely giving making the selfless faction of Abnegation perfect for them. March 18, 2016. Candor Dauntless Erudite Amity Abnegation 2 Therian, Otherkin, Otherhearted, Furry, or human! Yes I'm always putting stuff down and forgetting where, Sometimes, if I'm very tired or disracted, Mad Max: Fury Road | Kennedy Miller Mitchell, RatPac-Dune Entertainment | Doug Mitchell George Miller PJ Voeten | George Miller, Divergent | Red Wagon Entertainment Summit Entertainment | Douglas Wick Lucy Fisher Pouya Shahbazian | Neil Burger. First man shows 10% and the little girl shows 40% eventhough the instrument still confirms them as divergents and they are resistance to simulations.