As after Obi-wan stabs the Acklay, it pulls the metal spear out and snaps it in two. (Time-travel . Did not expect massive animals. Cara admits. And Boba on Kenobis back. If thats what you want to do. They meet when Din's baby son Grogu sleepwalks into Luke's apartment. Ok. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. My spouse? Obi-wan thought, flabbergasted. r/FanFiction - Looking for 2 different recs: 1. Din Djarin building Jangos hand had become a permanent fixture on Mandos arm to prevent the man from diving into the arena to save his friends. Odd that is. Master Plo! Obi-wan greets the Kel-Dor, who was swiftly deflecting blaster bolts with his saber in one hand and a small bundle in his other. Even down on the sand. Cara made a face, Is that a compliment?. 2: Din time travel So I've been trying to find a good fic when Din (with Grogu) after getting the Darksaber reluctantly starts gathering followers/allies and starts bringing his people together and rebuilding (could be on a different planet) Mandalore. Leia finds out that she's pregnant with Han's baby after he leaves and decides to keep the baby so she has something to do. He was going to bask in this nice moment. His clones had arrived in the ships from Kamino. A psychological thriller sort of disturbing. With crime syndicates on the rise and the Empire far from dead. Why? Din deals with the burden of the Darksaber, and the voices laying inside it. Obi-wan wouldve liked to at least of been told about his marriage ceremony. If he was lucky, he might reach Naboo. And for some reason Jango gets the feeling Obi-wan is blaming himself for Skywalkers injuries. Surrender, and your lives will be spared. Dooku offers. Well, good luck! Obi-wan calls. He was certain he had lost his riduur, Luke. Hush now, they say to the children. Grogu. Hes spoken very highly of you. Jango is pretty sure being a Jedi doesnt mean you forgive people for attempted genocide and try to understand where they came from. Anakin is my Padawan learner, my student or apprentice if you will. I-I had been injured, bleeding from my head. Skywalker flushes, probably realizing the rather personal argument they just had in front of strangers. We failed you, and its understandable that from that failure, hate would rise. Jango rolled his eyes, Kenobi had a higher rank, no matter what the pilot would listen to Obi-wan over Skywalker. The Clone Army. If I have to engage the Count I will lose. You should of stuck with me, Cara remarks walking over to Obi-wan from the Acklay corpse. So while Obi-wan wasnt prepared for his fight with Jango, he was doubly not prepared for a random Mandalorian to be seemingly tossed at the pair when they were at close quarters. Does the Force Bond make me Jango struggled with how to phrase this, Feel things I dont want to feel?. Had to save his ass on the way over. Jango lies easily, I ran into a Jedi on Kamino. It happens. Obi-wan restrains a groan and just really hopes Anakin got his message. Obi-wan lays the man down and immediately pulls off the mans helmet. But watching Kenobi leave, that was making emotions Jango rather not have about the Jedi. Like the rest of the Star Wars fanfiction, I'm a sucker for time travel plots. Yet Cara was the one who answered, Shoot him. She holds up a rotary blaster she must of gotten from one of the Troopers. With a little help from the Force, a lot of strife and suffering is avoided. And was about to tell her so when Anakin and Padme came riding up to the pair. Then kneels down to talk to Boba, That was very dangerous. Obi-wan glances between Jango, who looked confused- Obi-wan was rather positive the man understood Mandalorian so maybe over being called Obi-wans spouse? Thats stupid, Evidently Cara agrees with Jango. The kid touched this crystal thing, crystal thing glowed bright and then threw us all back. But, why a mullet? Oh is he responsible for the fact that we are now in hyperspace? The council needs to go to Kamino, there are cloning facilities there along with an army that the Kaminoans say was ordered by Master Sifo Dyas. Obi-wan is not ashamed to admit he felt the same way. Dindjarin Stories - Wattpad " - a lost girl and a lost Mandalorian finding their way in the midst of chaos A Mandalorian fanfic; din djarin x daughter. Obi-wan didnt mind this Kovnyn, it was a lot gentler than the one Jango had given him on Kamino. Using it to shoot at some of the droids. Anakin and I will go in first, see what Dookus threat level is. But if Obi-wan had forgotten they were there Jango couldve done some other more nefarious things. Leia offers Din Djarin and Cara Dune a ride to Nevarro where she recruits Din's help in finding her a place to raise her kid.