78,514 crime reports were filed January and March 2021. bedding. Legal experts identified overall issues with the legal system, pointing to an overreliance on witness testimony, as opposed to the use of forensics or other scientific evidence. For every child, results UNICEF works for the rights of every child, every day, across the globe. Last Update: Reissued after periodic review with updates to the crime risk indicator. Reconsider travel to El Salvador due to crime. Country Summary: In March 2022, the Government of El Salvador (GOES) declared a State of Exception in response to an increase in homicides. The Ministry of Labor did not effectively enforce child labor laws in the informal sector. OSACs reports, The Healthy Way, In The specialized comprehensive care includes medical care, counseling, family planning, medical examinations, and treatment of sexually transmitted infections in victims of sexual violence and services were generally available throughout the country. Observers noted the president has not kept his promise. Villatoro accused the families of psychologically damaging their missing children who eventually are found and stated most persons leave their families because they want to leave their life partner or because they did not get enough attention at home. Inspectors did not have the authority to initiate unannounced inspections or sanctions. Review the State Departments webpage on security for LGBTI+ crimes (e.g. The law requires all registered political parties to have at least 30 percent of their candidates for the Legislative Assembly be women. violence directed against known targeted victims and targets of opportunity. The law prohibits compulsory overtime for all workers other than domestic employees, such as maids and gardeners, who are obligated to work on holidays if their employer makes this request. Lesbian women said their gynecologists only focused on HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases when they learned that their patients were lesbian instead of spending time treating routine gynecological issues. LGBTI+ community engaged in sexual work or gang activity are at the highest Previous government efforts to counter impunity were also eliminated. crime incidents in El Salvador in 2019. Please note that all OSAC products are for internal U.S. private sector security purposes only. Pharmacies are plentiful, but not all medicines found in the U.S. are available. The U.S. Penalties for conviction of breaking the law include losing custody of the child and three to 26 years imprisonment, depending on the nature of the abuse. active efforts by Salvadoran authorities to combat transit routes, has kept El police division to accompany their groups for personal security. Penalties were not commensurate with those for other analogous serious crimes, such as kidnapping. Prisons are extremely overcrowded; many prisoners do not have access to beds. They said that the government has not responded to their various requests, which included the return of indigenous lands taken by the government, respect for ancestral form of governance, and more access to health care, education, social welfare, and employment. and hazardous at night. osac crime and safety report reports. As a result the election advertisements were predominantly from Nuevas Ideas candidates. The publication took down that report two days later after El Salvador's Attorney General obtained a court order forcing it to do so. This country of 6.7 million has seen more than its fair share of atrocities over the past four decades through civil war, endemic gang violence and periodic crackdowns by police and the military. The Attorney Generals Office investigates whether security force killings were justifiable and pursues prosecutions, and the PDDH investigates complaints of such killings. Likewise, road lighting in urban areas is generally fair, but generally throughout San Salvador. The PNC officers claimed they received information that the three persons in the vehicle were armed gang members, but the prosecutor showed that the PNC officers intercepted the vehicle and shot the victims without confrontation. El Salvador has revised several of its laws to comply with CAFTA-DR's provisions on intellectual property rights (IPR), and has a National Intellectual Property Policy that recognizes IPR protection as a key element for the economys development and competitiveness. owned cabs are unregulated. The Office of the Human Rights A new report by an El Salvador watchdog group warns that pacts between gangs and public officials to lower homicides in El Salvador are promoting the wider use of forced disappearances, showing how gangs are still using violence to maintain political and territorial control. The law bans child marriage to prevent child abusers from avoiding imprisonment by marrying their underage victims, and the law likewise bans exceptions to child marriage in cases where the minor is pregnant. Physical Conditions:Overcrowding was a serious threat to prisoners health and welfare. States. WebAs of June 5, police had made no arrests. In March the Inter-American Court of Human Rights concluded that the government violated the right to personal freedom, life, health, and justice of Manuela, a woman sentenced to 30 years in prison in 2008 for the aggravated homicide of her unborn child.