Cats with no history of infections should be seen as soon as possiblepreferably, within 24 hours. A healthy retina is necessary for good vision. Although anti-inflammatory medications may reduce the swelling of the conjunctiva, it often takes additional testing and examination to identify what caused the inflammation. Artificial tears: To moisten and lubricate the eyes. If you have any questions, you can always ask your vet to explain what theyre treating, and why. If your cat squints for more than a few hours, its time to schedule an appointment with your vet. Senior cats start to lose their sight, especially purebred cats. Excitement. Does keeping a proper blood sugar level prevent diabetic macular edema and other eye problems? Diabetic retinopathy - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic This may also be necessary if your vet doesnt have the specialized equipment necessary to make a full diagnosis. Excessive vocalization, growing distressed when you do not respond. But these new blood vessels don't develop properly and can leak easily. Monitor blood and urine glucose levels daily to ensure there are no changes in the cat. Where possible, administer antivenom which counteracts the effects of the venom. Cat eye infections sometimes occur repeatedly and are most commonly caused by viruses. In the case of young and exuberant cats, their pupils tend to dilate more than those who are more relaxed and older. Healthy eye dilation in cats happens when their pupils naturally grow larger in dim light or darkness and become narrower in bright environments. However, there may be a problem if there is a larger amount of discharge in your cats eyes and it is thick, creamy, or coming from areas other than the corner. Then, biopsies will be taken to determine the severity of the tumor. Accessed Feb. 19, 2021. The common causes of cat eye dilation are: Response to Low Light The normal response of a cat's eyes to low light is to make the pupils big, therefore allowing plenty of light to see by. Sepsis treatment may involve antibiotic and other medication administration. In more-severe cases, blood can fill the vitreous cavity and completely block your vision. This is the fight or flight response. In people with diabetes, episodes of hypoglycemia are often seen first in the eyes with a change in pupillary size. Anisocoria in Cats | VCA Animal Hospitals Your veterinarian will discuss the treatment options that are appropriate for your cat's individual circumstances. 5 Reasons Why Do Cats Eyes Dilate? | All About Feline Body Language - AAFRC You might not have symptoms in the early stages of diabetic retinopathy. Dilated pupils Tachypnea (rapid breathing) Restlessness Anxiety Weakness Lethargy Staggering Shivering Twitching muscles Confusion Dizziness Head shaking Seizures Coma Causes of Hypoglycemia in Cats Generally, the cause of hypoglycemia in cats is related to the cat having diabetes. In general, any sudden change should alert you that your cat needs veterinary attention. If it is too high it can cause damage to his retinas, which can cause dilation in the eyes. Related to the fight and flight response, pain can also trigger the sympathetic nervous system and cause dilated cat eyes. The longer you have diabetes and the less controlled your blood sugar is, the more likely you are to develop this eye complication.