Here are thefifteen best female supervillains in DC Comics, ranked. There are new female villains too, such as Jokers new girlfriend, Punchline (not that she has been around long enough to make this list). Even with all of this, Brainiac has lost every battle. Spark (DC Comics), twin sister of Garth Ranzz/Lightning Lad/LiveWire. a powerful magical being in the DC Universe, 10 DC Comics Villains That Died Sooner Than Fans Expected. Of course, the problem with Bane is that he always loses the final battle. DC Villains. Mikoto Misaka (Toaru Kagaku no Railgun) imbuing electricity into a coin to shoot a. Lady Shivais arguably the most skilled martial artist in the entire DC Universe. Eventually, Garth would become Lightning Lad, Ayla Lightning Lass, and Mekt the villain Lightning Lord. His defeat at the hands of Hal Jordan was the beginning of many defeats, despite how formidable he is. 3) #51, Livewire is shown to be under the control of Starro. At the ultimate level, users would be able to control electric fields and all charge carriers (Ions, Electrons, Protons, and Positrons), allowing them to manipulate the force that holds atoms together within objects or flow through the nervous systems of living creatures. Tyrant. Magneto is the Master of Magnetism, a former X-Man, the former leader of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, and one of the members of the Quiet Council that leads the mutant nation of Krakoa. DC's magical beings are a potent lot, with Mordru standing tall among them. Blackfireis best known as being both a recurring antagonist of the Teen Titans and the older sister of Teen Titan memberStarfire. He's a solid mass of muscle that can punch it out with Superman. This granted Bill the powers of Thor, and he was even able to win the hammer in combat against Thor. Vandal Savage has proven very dangerous, but he always loses in the end. The KryptonianFaorahas the usualKryptonian powers (not unlike Supermanhimself) such as superhuman strength, the ability to crush solid objects with her bare hands, superhuman speed and endurance. These 15 electric supervillains are sure to tingle your spine! The most powerful villains in DC Comics range from mystical threats to cosmic ones and sometimes both. For the engineer and archaeologist, see, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Teen Titans Go! He gained his electromagnetic powers after exposure to a special tear gas containing a mutagen. He is also able to alter reality at will. There's nothing and no one he wouldn't sacrifice for victory and power. He can also tap into the speed of lightning and move at superhuman speeds. The living embodiment of fear, Parallax generates incomprehensible fright in beings, so much so that he's able to control them. The Sinestro Corps could be the key to this powerup. In her self-titled Superman: The Animated Series episode, she demonstrated extraordinary strength while lifting a hydroelectric dam's power unit that she was draining at the time. That includes Black Adam, whose power makes him a formidable foe for Shazam and others. When she's back to her default 6'6, she is stilltrained in hand-to-hand combat and wears a bulletproof flexible suit that grows with her. His intelligence is his most potent attribute, allowing him to challenge heroes much more powerful than him. Marvel: 10 Strongest Comic Characters With Electric Powers - CBR Zzzax is a walking natural disaster and has never been easy to tame once unleashed. Later, Dr. Minerva made a pact with the god Urzkartaga, transforming her into Cheetah by giving hersuperhumanstrength and speed,as well as deadly feline attributes. He also manipulates the elements to his advantage and as if that weren't enough, as a necromancer, he can resurrect people from the dead. She also wields the power to bring back the dead like the Greek god Ares, making her easily his equal. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! They were, in turn, given to Francine Frye, a former accomplice of Electro. Livewire (Character) - Comic Vine NEXT: 10 DC Comics Villains That Died Sooner Than Fans Expected. DC Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. His powers somewhat mimic those of the original Spider-Man Peter Parker. He has absolute control over both static and celestial electricity and can channel this energy to achieve various effects. KING-A the true king This user has not updated recently. This effectively gave him powers, turning him into the Fastest Man Alive. (HD 1080p) Mace Windu vs. Darth Sidious & Anakin Skywalker-2, HD- Red Hot Chili Pepper Attacks Josuke, Big Mom Power revealed - One Piece - Big Mom vs Brook-2, Superman vs Black Adam - The Return of Black Adam. 15. An entire religious cult developed out of adoration for herfighting prowess, though she naturally disdains such lowly hangers-on. Sinestro's war against the Green Lanterns is legendary. Although her powers have become erratic since her split from June Moone, she's still number four on this list because her past exploits and raw power have been memorable. Superman pushes Willis to safety as a second bolt of lightning electrifies a metal tower on the stage, but the electricity runs through his body and into a wire that Willis stepped on, electrocuting her and changing her appearance. Amon Sur (Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters), Anti-Monitor (Green Lantern: The Animated Series), Antichrist (League of Extraordinary Gentlemen), Atrocitus (Green Lantern: The Animated Series), Barbara Kean (Batman: Gotham by Gaslight), Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Mekt and Garth gained electrical superpowers while Ayla was phased into a form of pure energy. Example: Rookie Acrobat This is a. By drinking the ambrosia of Indra, Kai Watari (Shinju no Nectar) gain the lightning powers of a Thunder God. He mentally controlled Superman, Wonder Woman, and other powerful heroes with little effort. Major superheroes from dark alternate timelines populate the powerful villains fans could soon see as the multiverse expands in the DCEU. Garth Ranzz, also known as Live Wire or Lightning Lad, is a founding member of the Legion of Superheroes. She also has x-ray, telescopic, and microscopic vision, the power to freeze things with her breath, and the ability to fly.