Can Online Churches Create Offline Connections? WebOne of the (many) symbolic interpretations of this meal is this: You are eating the very body and blood of Jesus Christ. Thus thou didst beget us into a new world of spiritual relationship April 30, 2023 - Traditional Worship Service (English) | English Yet we have not found it so easy when you spoke about serving and forgiving others, about self-sacrifice and suffering. WebThese brief Communion Meditations areshared in the hope that they can meet a need and directour attention afresh to "Jesus Christ - bleeding - uponthe earth He made." Help us to imitate you in how we regard different ideas, behaviours and points of view. May you, our living fountain of hope, water the dryness of our They are not a problem, but a precious resource for our fortified citadels, where prosperity and consumption fail to alleviate our growing weariness and fatigue. Let us pray together and say: Lord, have mercy: on those newly crucified throughout todays world; Fulton Sheen himself. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. saw in minority groups struggles for social equality in America a parallel with Israels bondage in Egypt. May their example inspire in us a commitment to stand by all those dying today on Calvaries throughout the world: in transit camps, on boats denied entry to safe ports, in shelters, hot spots and camps for seasonal workers, amid protracted negotiations about their final destination. This is a common pattern in the Bible. Little ones used as cheap goods, bought and sold at will. 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