Percy and Annabeth belong to Rick Riordan, I take no ownership over them. He explained as he touched his own jaw, and cupped her hand with his. He felt her kiss the side of his temple, and cheeks as she his naked chest. 'Perseus Jackson, what are you doing? The air felt hot and heavy, and he suddenly felt all of his previous confidence seemed to drain from his body. The word "percabeth" is the shipping/couple name for Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase in the Percy Jackson and Olympians series. Annabeth frowned. Can't you read it says R RATED?! Wants to keep trying.". Im not stupid, Seaweed Brain. As soon as she stepped over the threshold she sprinted across to the seashell encrusted cabin opposite her own. Though the sheets covered her, Sally could tell she wasn't wearing a shirt. It was alarming to hear her in such a state. She let out a small, unsuspecting gasp as his hands lingered at the hem of her dress. Smutty and nasty. The room looked like a bomb had hit it, there were clothes strewn everywhere. Her mind yelled 'intruder'. Then Percy grinned so wide, he looked like his face would explode. I DONT NEED TO READ ABOUT THALIA RAPNG THEM. He tossed the coin in and said, 'O Iris' accept my offering' The mist . In that moment, she looked older, more like a woman than his childhood friend, and by the way she was looking at him, he suspected he did too. It's only logical. "That's because you were a horn dog and couldn't keep your hands to yourself, even after she yelled at you for corrupting me." Only if he really concentrated - which was difficult at the moment - he could recall how he'd invited Annabeth over after Sally and Paul left for their date. "Okay then. Just a second, replied Hazel, Ill go and get him.. And seeing a rarity pass by him with a large box of decorations, muttering about Aphrodites kids and their excessive decor, he accepted that. He tried the door, only to find it was in fact unlocked. "She mailed it to me, there was a note and everything". She looked like a supermodel in her swimsuit and, with her bag full of designs and notes, a smart girl/ supermodel/ amazingly hot architect. The rest of the gods were either confused, or cheering. Annabeth opened the box and gasped. He asked horrified, which earned him a small laugh from Annabeth. She ran her hands through his already ruffled hair, and threw her head back against the wall. He wanted to Iris Message Annabeth and apologize, but he was just too embarrassed. All the cabins were darkened, the large paved area empty and illuminated by the full moon that hung high in the sky above the earth. what team did lance franklin used to play for. I'm just saying, you're very young, and- ". Her school was close to where he lived. I shake my head at my phone, that man is too much sometimes. It just wasnt what he wanted. At mid conversation, a bright light shinned behind Annabeth and from that light a voice said,' Annabeth! I was about to stuff a piece of cake into Percy's mouth when the ceiling caved in. She spoke nervously and looked at him. Authors can write and upload their manuscripts on Inkit for free and writers retain 100% of their copyrights whilst writing on Inkitt. Like a trail temporarily tattooed onto her body. It was almost as if he were speaking with each caress, begging for her forgiveness, like he planned to heal each and every one of her wounds whenever he met her flesh. For the next several hours, the Son of Poseidon and Daughter of Athena laid in near silence. I shake my head to clear my thoughts and my phone buzzes. Sometimes having exceptional hearing is a curse. The door creaked open, and a narrow light shined onto Percy thrashing in his sleep. That had got a few whistles from some of her half-brothers inside the cabin but a sharp glare in their direction shut them up.