Hide ads. Do i need to control all the land that is converted? There's a few islands just off the eastern coast you need too. Frankokratia: As a French Catholic, hold the Kingdom of Thessalonika without being a vassal to Byzantium. The achievement doesn't specify you have to be Catholic (just Christian) nor hold all of Iberia personally - just that it has to be Christian. This allows you to, as the name suggests, claim the throne of your liege. The tedious part of this achievement is the Dynasty member requirement. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Beacon of Progress: Have your culture unlock all innovations, excluding regional and culture-specific innovations. This one is linked to the previous in many ways. Hooks are an important mechanic in Crusader Kings 3. Man i really thought i finally had it. There are 97 achievements to unlock in Crusader Kings III worth a total of 1561 gamerscore. Wait long enough though and you are guaranteed to get this one. xX CHUCKLZ Xx. This requires you to hold multiple empire tier titles and will take you most of the game time. Privacy Policy. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. You NEED to be part of an Iberian Culture group. Here, it specifies to . You will likely need to spread your empire across most of central Europe to achieve this while also making sure your descendants dont somehow end up as independent rulers. This one can be tricky depending on who you start as. This was written for Crusader Kings 1.3.1 + Northern Lords flavour pack. As a dwarf, win a Varangian Adventurer war anywhere outside of Europe. Pretty easy to get this one. It could be a short amount of time or it could take multiple characters depending on game events. You will be naked, sure, but its one more achievement under your belt. Iberia is officially muslim free - yet no achievement. Start by going to war with . Do you have a question about this achievement? Start Specific Achievements. Hopefully, the event will trigger and you will get this. Starting as an Iberian Christian, convert all of Iberia to Christianity. Depending on your characters skills, this can either be a piece of cake or a nightmare. im playing as portugal so would i have to make sure that the spaniards dont conquer anything themselves so they dont convert it. Until Death Do Us Part Marry another character. Now, meanwhile both Castile and Valencia has wiped away Islam too. The Thing Love Does for Us: Have a lover save you from a murder attempt. Valve Corporation. Valve Corporation. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG video game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Interactive. This isn't a step-by-step guide instead it's a list of requirements and helpful tips for conversion. It takes a few more steps to do before you get it. I had so many family members declare war on me because I gave them too much power and they had a claim on my titles. This is another that can be achieved in the first hour of play. I tend to become a bit of a completionist when I like a game and the latest title from Paradox is no exception. Wiley as a Fox is missing :) was looking for it as I wanted to make sure which kingdoms are considered greek. Reconquista (achievement) - CK3 Wiki - Paradox Wikis Crusader Kings 3 is available now for PC. lmost There:As lmos rpd, form Hungary and convert to Christianity. Game Setup In the New Game screen, select the 867 "The Great . Its pretty easy to do, but it takes some time. This video is meant for intermediate level players and explains how to get all the non-trivial achievements in CK3. Reconquista achievement : r/ck3 - Reddit They can be used for various things, but one of the best things to do with them is through your vassals feudal contracts. Your empire will be destroyed, yes, but you get the achievement. I am looking for help in figuring out why the Reconquista achievement won't fire in my current playthrough. This isnt going to be a full depth play by play guide but more of a the basics of making this as painless as possible. No crashes, but I have left the game and reloaded it many times. Bonus points if you begin on the earliest start date, though I dont think its required. Were WWE Right To Have Cody Rhodes Lose At WrestleMania 39? I managed to do this on the pope, but it took a while. Its not necessarily a hard achievement, but youll need to dedicate a lot of time to get it. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Reconquista (disambiguation) - CK3 Wiki - Paradox Wikis