(484) 802-5373, Copyright2023Crime Prevention Research Center, On 700 WLWs The Bill Cunningham Show: To Discuss Mass Public Shootings, Worth listening to: On Stacy On The Right: To Discuss Covenant School Shooting in Nashville, Tennessee. Hes not the only one. WebChris soon became a radio phenomenon by becoming the #1 talk host for his time slots on KSEV in Houston and WBAP in Dallas/Fort Worth. Chris Salcedo comments on the need for strong conservative voices in news, the lack of transparency in the Tucker Carlson exit from Fox News, and more on NEWSMAX's The Chris Salcedo Show. All the attacks have occurred in places where guns are banned., Nashville Police Chief John Drakeidentified the suspectin The Covenant School attack as Audrey Elizabeth Hale, 28, and said that she identified as male. Receive breaking news and original analysis - sent right to your inbox. Chris Salcedo gone? - Texas Hunting Forum ET "Rob Schmitt Tonight" (moves from 10 p.m.) 8 p.m. CNN analysts are urging DirecTV, AT&T, Dish, and other Fox & Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade, sitting in for Carlson, fell short to Cooper on CNN and Chris Hayes on MSNBC in that coveted demographic, although he was first in total viewership. Newsmax Rep. Jody Hice to Newsmax TV: Biden Slow in Helping Storm Newsmax Rick Roberts , really needs to retire Chris has been off the air on WBAP for at least a week now. Chris Salcedo Show: What Happens When Conservative Media is Cancelled? "It would be a third impeachment investigation already under way," Hicetold host Chris Salcedo on "The Chris Salcedo Show" on Monday. AirTags have been useful in tracking down other stolen cars. Newsmax Dr. John Lott, president of the Crime Prevention Research Center, toldNewsmaxTuesday that gun-free zones are magnets for gun crime because the criminals know that people are unarmed and cannot defend themselves. Newsmax TV Show Schedule [NEWSMX So far, the strategy is showing some promise. "Joe Biden just waited and waited and waited and finally, I believe it was on Saturday after most of the power was already restored in Texas that he finally does something. Newsmax Amateur Hour: Host Chris Salcedo Has Entire - TheWrap ET "Spicer & Co." with Sean Spicer, Lyndsay Keith (moves from 6 p.m.) 6 p.m. Monday, 22 February 2021 06:32 PM EST. The people that these laws stop are law-abiding citizens and the killers take advantage of that, Lott said during an appearance on NewsmaxsThe Chris Salcedo Show.The fact that they know that law-abiding citizens will obey these laws and that thesegun-free zonesmean nobody can protect themselves in those areas actually encourage the attacks to occur its a magnet for those attacks., Would you want to put a sign in front of your home that says your home is a gun-free zone if you were being threatened? he continued. Watch NEWSMAX, an independent news network with a conservative perspective, available in 100M+ U.S. homes. These really are end times., By Thursday morning, the network was inviting viewers to vote in a poll: Is it right for Fox News to fire Tucker Carlson?, Fox has been moving to embrace more of an establishment position, Newsmaxs CEO, Christopher Ruddy, said in an interview Thursday. You can also watc Read More >> Carl Higbie Host of Carl Higbie Frontline Newsmax Chris started out as a television weatherman in San Diego. He wanted to go to a place where he said victims would not have permitted concealed handguns to defend themselves because, he said, that would make it much more difficult for him to go and kill people. Chris Salcedo comments on the latest surrounding Tucker Carlson and Fox News, and the shift it has caused in the media landscape https://youtu.be/tSoEq8XD1TE 26 Apr 2023 21:30:00