Published Friday, 01 September, 2017 at 09:00 AM, Minister for Disability Services, Minister for Seniors and Minister Assisting the Premier on North QueenslandThe Honourable Coralee O'Rourke. This year as a symbol in celebrating the 2023 national theme, the Townsville NAIDOC Committee will lead the coordination of events to celebrate local achievements. When Europeans first arrived in Townsville, they assumed that no one occupied or owned the land because there were no boundaries marked by fences and farms. Elder $39.14 per day and $191,500 lump sum combination (based on 50/50 contribution). There had been a series of disturbances on Palm Island since the settlement was established but no organised, collective and open revolt occurred until 1957. Call us today! Justice RJ Douglas concluded that the case should have never been brought to trial as the mens actions were justified, given the danger Curry posed to the community. WebMORE INFORMATION ABOUT ELDERS COUNCIL. The Catholic Church built a school on the Island in 1937. Townsville Aboriginal AHL pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging. In 1912, the Chief Protector of Aboriginals visited Palm Island and noted that there was a small Aboriginal settlement[10]. The settlement bell rang each morning at 8am, which was the signal for everyone to line up for parade and for allocation of work for the day. In 1994, Kukamunburras body was repatriated from the United States and laid to rest on Palm Island with full ceremonial rites[7]. on-traditional historical Elders and Torres Strait Islanders and Pacific Islanders. The RAP provides a framework for the future, detailing steps and priorities to achieve Indigenous equality. Thirty of the male elders and 12 female elders asked me to help them regain their former positions as teachers at the local school, as they had severe misgivings 3 days of FREE arts and entertainment for the THE YOUTH featuring performances, creative workshops and more! Improving Indigenous Health Outcomes - The Hatchery Crime and Misconduct Commission Annual Report 2010-11. Our services are delivered by Pinangba, an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander group of services, where family and belonging are at the heart of everything we do. The Queensland Government initially refused to abide by Commissioner Carter's recommendations and the complainants, with the assistance of the Foundation for Aboriginal and Islander Research Action (FAIRA), took their case to the Federal Court. The first was in 1961, when Henry Pitt died after being allegedly assaulted by a Palm Island policeman while in custody. It is through these partnerships that we can lead and raise broader community awareness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultures. The CHSP program assists Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who need support to continue living at home because they are elderly or have a disability. Latest News Townsville Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Women Commonwealth Home Support Program acknowledge and pay respect to the traditional custodiansof the land on which we live and work. transforming corrections to transform lives Townsville | Townsville North Queensland Please use our complaints and compliments form. Townsville City Council worked closely with local Elders and local Aboriginal artists to create a reflection area in the local cemetery for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. National Rugby League respects and honours the Traditional Custodians of the land and pay our respects to their Elders past, present and future. We pay our respects to the Elders weve lost and to those who continue fighting for us across all our Nations and we pay homage to them. Townsville North Queensland Defence Strategy, Townsville City Council Support & Information, Castle Hill Summit Track Handrail Renewal, Cleveland Bay Recycled Water Treatment Facility, Douglas Water Treatment Plant Water Clarifiers, Flood Warning Infrastructure Network (FWIN), Reef Assist Business Activation and Environmental Restoration, Ross River Dam to Douglas Water Treatment Plant Pipeline Renewal, Planning Services Development Activity Reports, Emergency Management and Disaster Dashboard, How to read your rate and utilities notice, Townsville City Council Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan 2021-2024, Townsville City Council Reconciliation Action Plan 2015-2017. WebThis conference aims to provide a platform for Elders, leaders and respected voices in the community to discuss how we can enhance the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. Joanne Watson, in writing about Palm Island, said that: 'Dormitories served contradictory functions on reserves, providing institutional care for orphaned or abandoned children, while also operating as detention centres for children and single mothers.