They remarried a few years later and was back leading our church. There was a dedicated fundraiser or drive to fund that project and it just went away and no one knows what happened to it, Gilbert said. Still, Smith didnt let his protege entirely off the hook. Theyre an example of what Jesus taught in Matthew 18. And please give real documentation and not hearsay, guilt by association, or opinion. There is no real accountability.. Possert then pulled Davis from the church play and from serving in the coffee bar. They just stayed out of the situation to protect their own positions, Curran said. Hindt accused Loaiza in private meetings, former deacon Paul Ryding and his wife, Sandy, told The Roys Report. God uses man to glorify Him. Also, any comments with profanity, name-calling, and/or a nasty tone will be deleted. As the fellowship grew, it moved to his Kung-Fu studio, then to the Fox Theatre and was soon meeting weekly at a Edwards said he asked for an accountability plan, asked Finch to finish out the in-patient program, and asked him to submit to random drug tests. Other folks call it karma or, what goes around comes around. A few days later, 17 people met at Finchs house, according to testimony given to CCA in 2019 by former assistant pastor, Nelson Henry. Police were baffled, especially by the child molestation claims. Since the scandal broke on Coy's activities, the former pastor has reportedly left the home he shared with his wife and two teenage children. Recordings of several meetings from 2019 and 2020 show that Ron Hindt verbally attacked those who have opposed him. Weve talked to everyone involved and found no evidence to substantiate any [sexual misconduct], he said. But its not the first Pastor Finch has been accused of wrongdoing. In court papers filed Monday, church officials described Sabolick as out of control and asked a judge to dismiss the case. This meeting was recorded and the audio given to The Roys Report. WebSkip Heitzig (born 1955) is the American founder and senior pastor of Calvary Church, a Calvary Chapel fellowship located in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Explainer: What does the church mean when it says a pro-choice This article was written for the offended by using the tactic of throwing as much mud at the wall as possible to see what sticks. Ryding also said that Hindt told her Loaiza had misappropriated funds and warned her not to associate with Loaizas ministry. Im just glad I got to see it all happen this side of heaven. In contrast, Joe stuck to the straight and narrow. You are using scripture out of context in your defense of him though. I think they lose sight of the fact that they are servants!!! Ron is reaping the harvest of all this. Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Most CC are not like this. I dont want a sending church that operates in all these types of lies, Medrano told Hindt. The case has caused a stir in local Christian circles, shattering friendships and occasionally drawing pickets to Sunday services at the Laguna church. But after Sabolick went under the knife, strange things began happening, he said. During the Idaho trip, stories spread that he carried a pistol in his boots and spent church money on breast-enlargement surgery for his wife, the lawsuit says. I love my brother, but I love my Lord more, George Sabolick said in a recent interview.