You can now recruit Longbowmen as Men-at-Arms. Jason Cantalini is a writer, game designer, and researcher from Toronto, Canada. This left CK3's developers to speculate: the result is a mix of Arabic clothing, generic African ritual garb, and the best guesses at Tenets and Doctrines. 40% of all your Culture's Counties are inside of Iberia. CK3 mods (opens in new tab): From tweaks to total conversions. Vassal limit is the only worthwhile stat here but I doubt you'll really be hurting for 10 more vassals when you can just make duchies and kingdoms under you. Iberian has Castilian, Basque, Aragonese, Asturleonese, Galician, Catalan, and Andalusian. You can now recruit Camel Riders as Men-at-Arms. Go over the list here [] to get some ideas. Courtly buffs monthly Prestige gain, reduces title creation costs, and increases House Opinion and Court Grandeur. Monthly piety is a joke, control growth is dumb because if you have a seneschal you'll be at 100 control in a couple years anyways. Rulers will have an easier time managing a realm full of people who share the same culture and culture group. The strong prey on the weak; the majority prey on the minority. They both give intrigue bonuses for fame/devotion. Existing Development penalty at 35. Scholarly gives you a whopping 20% development bonus on top of +2% cultural fascination bonus from getting +2 learning. A full list of Traditions can be found here. Likewise, they can affect the costs of acquiring new Cultural Traditions, as well as the types of courts that you can select. It bears mentioning that few cultures and religions are truly "gone." Don't stay this for long. For more information, check out our guides and features hub. I think it's a general strategy to not give land to close family/claimants and to immediately take territory back from claimants during gavelkind. You will miss out on swapping your court type regularly so that your courtiers can have two sets of courtier type buffs. +5 Opinion from members of the same Faitd. Your Level of Fame is 'Exalted Among Men' or above. Existing Development penalty at 55. +10 Opinion from members of a Different Culture; +10% Development Growtd/montd. Although all characters/lands that belong to a particular culture gain the benefits, only the current cultural head can replace the Ethos by way of Reformation (more on this later). Landed characters who possess a court can take important actions while ruling their lands in the form of many specific major decisions that only appear if the player meets one of the more significant requirements to make them. Has anyone been able to find the culture IDs for merged cultures? Why's that noteworthy? This articlereally does mean no injury to members of mentioned religions and cultures, whether theyabsorbed others or were themselves consumed. PC Gamer is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. You can now use the individual De Jure County Casus Belli. Finish the blood tree (as you generally should) to get +5 life expectancy. Heritage The group of cultures that your people are part of, which will affect cultural acceptance (more in this mechanic in our section on hybrid cultures). The 7 types of Ethos are: Each Ethos bestows a different benefit to its culture. So, making it so that your knights are more buff and can hit . Own the Empire of Outremer Title, or own your allegiance to a Ruler who does. Mordvins know their myths and can practice their rituals. A Cultural Head can reform their culture without resorting to Divergence/Hybridization. Theold Cumbrian language (a close relative to Old Welsh) is lost by the High Middle Ages. If you go the full dynasty lineage named 'kin' you wont have skill loss when you age but instead you gain skills. Where to find hybrid (or diverged) culture ID?