Fifteen years after that, John G. Comegys of Baltimore bought 1,800 acres there and named it Cairo in honor the historic city of the same name on the Nile Delta in Egypt. He bought 1,800 acres on the peninsula and named it Cairo, because it was presumed to resemble that of Cairo, Egypt. The corner of 8th & Ohio Streets in Cairo, Illinois in 1906. Camp Defiance became an important supply depot for General Grants Western Army and a naval base, as the Union and Confederacy battled for control of the lower Mississippi River. Six years later, in 1952, efforts were begun to integrate Cairos schools but, separate black schools would not be abolished until years later in 1967. In the years following this visit, the Galighers and later owners continued to welcome guests in the big mansion among the magnolias. But, business is slow as residents wonder why these businesses have started in their small town. The angry mob that formed hunted James down and removed him from police custody to take him back to Cairo where they hung him in the town square. (Crdit image : NBC) La 3e saison de Law & Order : Organized Crime approche de sa fin et de son croisement avec Systme spcial d'aide aux victimes en mai, mais les enjeux taient dj trs levs dans Une solution diplomatique en tant que OCle tout premier pisode aprs une courte pause.Lorsqu'un diplomate indien est arriv New York pour prononcer un discours . But it was the suspicious death of 19-year-old black soldier Robert Hunt while on leave in Cairo in 1967 that finally did the town in. This was to no avail. Moreover, many migrant workers and refugees from Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East who reside in Egypt are not covered by Egyptian labour laws and find themselves vulnerable to forced labour as well as abusive practices that resemble human trafficking. You'll receive your first newsletter soon! In 1890, Cairos population had reached some 6,300 people and not only was a popular river town but, also boasted seven railroad lines branching through Cairo. He was then taken to the most prominent square at 8th and Commercial Street to be hanged before thousands of cheering spectators. Criminality in Egypt - The Organized Crime Index | ENACT Cairo, Illinois Was Once A Booming City - All That's Interesting Politically motivated and militant actors may play a major role in some of the criminal markets in Egypt. There are multiple prominent criminal networks with a presence in Egypt. Meanwhile, Egypts track record on international cooperation on combating transnational organized crime is mixed. During the mob chaos, the Mayor and the Chief of Police were being guarded in their homes, as the infuriated mob threatened them. Civil servants and officials receive facilitation payments or are bribed to block certain procedures or grant undue advantages. A source and transit country for the smuggling of irregular migrants and refugees from Sub-Saharan Africa destined for Europe, Egypt hosts a large-scale criminal market for human smuggling. The various groups brought more violence to the city, as the gangsters tried to squeeze out their rivals, smashing slot machines, firebombing cars, and killing each other. Hays, Christopher K.; The African American Struggle For Equality And Justice In Cairo, Illinois, 1865-1900; Illinois Historical Journal, 1997 Washington Avenue, where many of these historic homes are situated, has long been referred to as Millionaires Row.. ENACT is implemented by the Institute for Security Studies and INTERPOL, in affiliation with the Global Initiative against Transnational Organised Crime. Cotton, wool, molasses, and sugar was shipped through the port in 1859 and the following year, Cairo became the seat of Alexander County. With very few protection mechanisms, mostly delivered by NGOs and civil society, Egypt severely lacks protection mechanisms for victims and witnesses of crime. The low flat land was extremely muddy and the town was prone to flooding, despite the levees. Anticipating trouble, the local Sheriff kept James hidden in the woods for two days in the hope of saving him from the vengeance of the townspeople. Already, the light from Cairo was beggining to dim. Cairo, Illinois limped on into the 1980s and remarkably still holds on to this day in name, at least. Nov. 11, 1909. On that date, Cairo was the scene of one of the most gruesome lynchings in American history when a black man named Will James, who was accused of murdering a shop-girl, and a white man, who was charged with murdering his wife, were lynched by a mob, which numbered in the thousands. This influx of soldiers into the town changed the dynamic entirely. By 1917, Cairo, Illinois had developed a violent reputation as the town with Illinois' highest crime rate, a reputation that stuck even 20 years later. However, the next year the fort was attacked byCherokeeIndianswho killed most of the men and seized the furs, effectively ending the life of the fort and tannery. The Norteos gang was formed in Northern California, and was specifically created to counter the growing influence of Surenos, a gang which had ties to the Mexican Mafia. Photo by Kathy Alexander. Finally, after wandering about the deserted buildings for a time, an elderly gentleman parked his truck and walked out along the river, so I stopped and asked him. Another lovely home on Millionaires Row by Kathy Alexander. Prosecution services and courts lack training and tend to focus on low-level offenders rather than on more organized forms of crime. Crime in Cairo, Illinois. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. Cairo, on the far tip of the state, is located at the intersection of Kentucky and Missouri, where the Ohio . Just to the west, on Commercial Avenue, sat the firms of Koehlers Gunshop, a drug store, the citys post office, the popular Athenaeum Theater, a blacksmith and a harness shop. (The US average is 35.4) NOTE: Click on the links below to see charts for each crime category. The Confederacy also realized its strategic importance. The Ohio River at Cairo, Illinois is still busy today by Kathy Alexander. Cairo Crime Data Crime Index 51 (100 is safest) Safer than 51% of U.S. Cities Cairo Annual Crimes Violent Crime Violent Crime Comparison (per 1,000 residents) 20 15 10 5 0 1.81 3.95 National Median: 4 Cairo Illinois Chances of Becoming a Victim of a Violent Crime 1 in 553 in Cairo 1 in 253 in Illinois Cairo VIOLENT CRIMES Population: 1,659 The competition was devastating to Cairo and white business owners faced a severe downturn and began taking out their frustration on black business owners, setting the stage for tension and violence. Local African-Americans also formed the bulk of the unskilled labor force and these men were highly active in unions, strikes, and protests that campaigned for equal rights in education and employment. During this time, the public swimming pool became a private club, in order to keep out the black population. At the far end of the left side of the street, the Rhodes-Burford Furniture Store sign was still in place. For those establishments that remained, the boycott continued for the rest of the decade. Drug users and their families have little access to few services, treatment options are limited and most services are run by civilsociety organizations with international funding.