Henok Gebreyohannes. Bottomline, the accumulated effect is that we are ending habitual trauma cycles that plague individuals, families and the whole community network. Our programs focus on personal healing, identity development, and leadership building. A restorative inquiry process is used to help youth take responsibility for their behavior, cultivate empathy and make amends for hurtful behavior. Are you a young person in the Seattle-area who wants to participate in our programs? Restorative Community Pathways is a community response to harm that focuses on healing and . Over 25 people signed up to testify in support of the Restorative Community Pathways program. Below is a snapshot of our effectiveness between 2017 and 2018. off prison time compared to initial charges. Available data for the program provided by the Prosecuting Attorneys Office, while early, is promising. (Photo: DJ Martinez). We specifically work with people who are impacted by a 911 incident, an arrest, investigation or other encounter with law enforcement, courts, the criminal legal system, or longer term incarceration. If someone had an infectious disease, Goode said, You would isolate that person, keep them away from others for a period of time to keep them from being a harm to themselves or others, and simultaneously treat the disease. Although that model sounds similar to youth detention, Goode said, choosing new caregivers and administrators would be a game changer.. University of Washington, Michael G. Foster School of Business. KUOW - King County gave millions to 'No New Youth Jail' activists to And thats where I think the community comes in and they do a much much better job than we could ever do.. We believe that criminalization and ostracization are ineffective deterrents to unproductive behaviors and that the carceral systempolicing, jail, and state supervisionfurther harms people who have already been negatively impacted by trauma. This is a community-led initiative, supported by the Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS) that builds on King Countys current plans and investments to realize the vision of a community where every person can thrive, said Sheila Ater Capestany, Children Youth and Young Adults Division Director in DCHS. Bellingham, WA 98226, RCC is a 501c3 non-profit organization | Copyright 2023 The Restorative Community Coalition, Whatcom County Jail Trauma Chart the RADD-RAT Symptoms, Stop Punishing Taxpayers Start Rebuilding Community, Whatcom County Jail Trauma Chart the RADD-RAT Symptoms. If caught, they get a slap on the wrist via the RCP and get a cut of the action that is likely more than what theyd earn working an honest job. Though the distinction between serious felonies and other charges usually rests on the existence of a victim, Jordan and other advocates pointed to a hole in that reasoning. Change a young persons life by donating to Community Passageways. Gun violence related to gang activity has actually remained relatively stable over the course of the pandemic, Hung said. We have a four-pronged approach to community justice: Prevention: Keep youth on a good path. Thats why RCP exists. TTY: Relay: 711 Restorative Community Pathways is a diversion program that sends lower-level juvenile cases mostly misdemeanors, up to offenses like burglary, car theft, and gun charges to community. CLICK HERE to Download Full .PDF Acknowledgements Thank you to the thousands of citizens who, Jails, Sheriffs and Carceral Policymaking is a useful law review article about the hidden to, Irene then turned to helping others break free of our dysfunctional justice system, founding the, 11 x 17 LARGE POSTER FOR COMMUNITY EDUCATION TWO SIDED Side One- BLINDSPOTS:UNEXPECTED FINDINGS, Wow! Check out this County in Oregon! While Whatcom County could easily have been the, The Restorative Community Coalition Restorative Community Pathways for youth offenders contrasts with traditional prosecution. Lily Anderson, Senior Social Worker, or the, Youth who are eligible for diversion, along with their parent or guardian, meet with a team of trained volunteers (learn more about the Partnership for Youth Justice program and theDiversion Community Accountability Board. Volunteering with Community Passageways is a way to invest your skills, heart, and mind into our young people. What's Next in King County's Path to Ending Youth Detention? If youre a gang leader, who are you going to recruit to carry out your thefts and burglaries? Restorative Community Pathways Community Navigator. Restorative Community Pathways offers diversion for youth involved in a range of felony crimes, including organized retail theft, assault, residential burglary, burglary, and unlawful display and possession of a firearm. Even though he was involved in making quick money, he had a desire to give back through coaching and personal training. The consortium will also include programming for young people charged in adult court; under current Washington law, kids aged 16 to 17 charged with serious violent felonies are automatically placed in adult court. Dunn said his concerns with the program are with some felonies that the program included such as certain assault charges, which he said he believes youth should have to see a judge in order to be held accountable. Community Passageways CP COVID-19 Response: We are continuously committed to helping young people, their families, and the community by meeting basic needs, meeting virtually, and advocating for the release of incarcerated people.