We accept no responsibility for personal agreements made between neighbours. Direct Debit. You can also take your garden waste to the Household Waste Recycling Centre at Bittern Way, Wyberton for free. Your direct debit will automatically be cancelled on our system. For building control invoice payment, please select the "All other Council invoices" link below to make your payment. You will be notified of the charge/payment date. If you have presented your bin for collection by 5.30am on the morning of your collection and we genuinely miss this, we will return to collect your bin as soon as operationally possible. Collections will be carried out between April and November only. No, there is a strict ban on garden waste in the green bin. At that time, we asked for a one-off payment to cover the cost of purchasing a brown bin. We will collect your brown bin (s) 21 times a year between April and November. The Council's terms and conditions are as follows: That you place appropriate garden waste into your brown bin. If you subscribe part way through the year the full charge will still apply. Welcome to Boston Borough's Waste and Recycling page We hope you will find all the information you need on Waste and Recycling in the Boston Borough area here. As this is a new email address, it may be the case that the receipt for your payment email may end up in junk or quarantine folders. It costs 20 extra to empty each additional bill. One resident wrote to us to say: Two weeks ago I paid the fee to have my brown garden waste bin emptied and received the bin sticker and eight double sides of printed pages of information to go with it. If we agree a bin was missed, we will do our best to collect it as soon as operationally possible. South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership, Garden Waste Service 2023/24 - Terms and Conditions. We can often amend some of our collection routes which may mean the time your bin gets emptied will be different to your usual time of collection. You'll need to subscribe to receive garden waste (brown bin) collections. We are responsible for the sweeping, litter picking and general cleansing of our land and public adopted highways, including emptying litter and dog waste bins and removing dead animals. You should notify us as soon as you have moved so that we can update our records and arrange to collect your bin(s) at your new address. There are appeal rights if you consider you are not liable to pay council tax. Please note that getting a household set up in the scheme can take up to 14 days, so by signing up after the start of April, you may miss out on your first collection. You should use your existing brown bin. Garden waste service. The chargewill commence in April 2023, and we will begin to take payment from residents who wish to participate in the scheme in advance of this date. All you have to do is sign up to the garden waste service online through a one-off card payment by clicking the following link and completing the online form. They cost 42 to buy. La personne qui a lanc cette ptition a dcid d'agir. As it will take us four weeks to work around the full town, some households will not receive their first collection until four weeks after the commencement of the service. Yes please grass cuttings, weeds and dead plants, twigs and small branches, hedge clippings, cut flowers and house plants, shrub prunings, leaves and the contents of hanging baskets. Simply complete the Direct Debit form (PDF) [793KB] and returning it to us by email or post. Your garden waste bin will not be collected until: If you move out of the Borough or stop using the service, we will not give a refund and you must inform us at your earliest convenience to ensure our systems are updated. Unlike household waste, local authorities are not required to collect garden waste. We recognise that many residents are currently struggling with the rising cost of living. The incomewill reduce the costs of running the service, and may eventually make the service self-financing, which, in turn, will help to protect essential services. Once you've paid, we will send out your new bin . For 2023, we will collect your garden waste on alternate weeks, either on your green bin week or recycling bin week, between week commencing 03 April 2023 and week commencing 24 November 2023.Your garden waste collection will then resume 19 February 2024 until 31 March 2024. All personal information will be processed in accordance with the current Data Protection Legislation and you have the right to see records relating to yourself and to ask that they be amended where they are inaccurate. Please visit the Household Waste Recycling Centre page for opening times. Once you have signed up to our service, you will automatically be entered into the prize draw. Unfortunately not, all garden waste needs to be put loose in the brown bin purchased from Boston Borough Council. Sign up for garden waste scheme - and the chance to win goodies hamper Click below to find out more about the help available from the Council and other organisations. No, garden waste must be contained in the brown bins with the lid firmly closed. Collection charge. As part of its 2023/24 budget, theCouncil has agreed a package of measures to address thesituation. Garden waste | SCARBOROUGH.GOV.UK Hartlepool Sign up and pay via a one-off online card payment. These optional cookies won't be set unless you enable them. Garden waste. For example HP19 8FF. If you do not have a brown bin, you should purchase one from the Council at a cost of 40 for this purpose. We'd also like to set optional analytics cookies to enable us to analyseuse of our products and services using Google Analytics in order to help us improve it. Please contact us for further information. Sign up for or renew garden waste collections | Buckinghamshire Council These optional cookies won't be set unless you enable them. Your Questions Answered | Garden Waste Subscription Service If you sign up online this year by Sunday 30th April 2023 then you could be in with a chance of winning the years' service for FREE! Should you experience any problems using this service in the first instance you should contact our customer services team via telephone on 01205 314200 during office hours. . Search fees. Boston Borough is set to benefit from 2.62million of new funding through UKSPF and REPF.