This is one blend/flake that I prefer smoking young without added age, as the flavors of the Latakia decrease dramatically after a few years. I think you can get a 50 g tan on four noggins for $127? Why would I go through all of this for some stupid tobacco? Click to reveal Arguably, Penzance is the finest tobacco ever blended. True english sliced crumble cake. It is absolutely terrific in a little pipe. I didnt quite crumble up enough for a full bowl, so I did a modified three-step gravity fill. $32 for each eight oz. :). The Virginias here are nearly hidden and well..I like to taste the Virginias. Pipes & Pipe Tobaccos - Pipes Ltd. Cigar Hut of Hickory It's all very singular and reminiscing of a blown tractor trailer tire. It lights up with a very creamy soft flavor but then about mid bowl develops a nice nutty, musky, complex. This review is for Penzance, but I cannot understate how good Pembroke, And so to Bed, Margate, Dorchester ect. I tried this over hyped baccy back in early 2020 before covid hit at my local pipe club meeting. This is because the smoking taste is, IMHO, fundamentally a bit too heavy on Latakiaarguably to the point of being unbalanced versus the orientals. Latakia obviously is the main flavor; those of a floral, herbal, musty, leather, and vegetative nature. Is it worthy of all the hype, mystery and over the top high prices? Esoterica Tobacciana Penzance 8oz bag $ 49.95 Blended Exclusively for Arango Cigar Co by J. F. Germain & Son Pipe Tobacco Entirely Made, Blended and Aged in the British Isles Contents: Latakia, Oriental/Turkish, Virginia Cut: Flake Limit one per Customer Out of stock Categories: Esoterica Tobacciana, Pipe Tobacco I just know I REALLY like it. Unlike many lat. I almost feel that the word "solid" does this blend the most justice. Ten stars. However on my scale, it scores a 7. Kudos to those who like this & have $$ to waste on denicotined tobacco. My first impressions of Penzance were less than favorable and although it didn't meet my initial expectations, there was something about it that kept bringing me back. I'm not sure which one I prefer. As far as my palate is concerned, Esoterica has nothing whatsoever on the likes of McClelland or Russ Oulette's creations. I will be on the lookout for more this year, I bet it ages gracefully :). I liken this to Red Rapparee in many ways (another great blend), though I think this is stronger and even more smokey. ============================================= Ok as an update I have noticed many people have trouble packing and lighting this particular blend and that keeps them from fully enjoying it. One thing that makes this tobacco incredibly unique is its consistency, not as defined by conformity with previous attitudes, behaviour, practice, etc., but as defined as the state or quality of holding or sticking together and retaining shape. Similar Blends: London mixture, 965/old dublin, black mallory. I've discovered that I like Esoterica blends the most. The tin note was smoky and sweet as well as the smoke with just enough bite to remind you that it is an English without being overpowering. After being more than disappointed with Margate, I have not ventured for another Esoterica Tobacciana product until now. It has it's complexities, and sweetness, and there's definitely an exotic tobacco in there that I haven't quite gotten the hang of identifying, but it's very nice. However, the taste is another story and was uniform from start to finish. To each his own. Phone/office hours are 9am-7pm US/Eastern (GMT -5:00) Monday-Friday, 10am-5pm on Saturdays, and 12pm-4pm on Sundays. (Sigh!). bag. Since I don't inhale, I prefer a stronger blend & Penzance was simply too wimpy to suit me hence the lower rating. Taste is just right, with no lat smoked ham aftertaste. When I?m taking the oriental route, I much prefer Balkan Sobranie. As such it is very easy to rub out, very easy to burn and very cool smoking. Though it is hard to find sometimes, I am fortunate that I know of a local B&M which often has the 8oz bags in stock. But last night I wanted to try something I hadn't tried yet. -SR, Purchased From: The Tinder Box, Costa Mesa, Penzance is definitely worth all the positive reviews. The pouch aroma is almost musty/earthy, and the room note, although strong, does not seem to be penetrating.