Are waning attention spans becoming a larger and larger problem in your classroom from year to year? It is therefore perfect to assess the progression of a student's learning. <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 7 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S>> 0000101250 00000 n Big Bang Theory Reading Comprehension Passage and Questions - PDF 0000094747 00000 n /HQNrZWI"7. 0000013095 00000 n 0000097405 00000 n Ready for print-out and use by your students.2. DOCX 27J Schools / Home 0000102552 00000 n stream 0000074032 00000 n Then, about 15 billion years ago, the Universe was born with a gigantic explosion - the Big Bang. 0000085826 00000 n 0000014161 00000 n Our literacy articles are a one-stop-shop for building your students' scientific reading comprehension skills while also communicating engaging Earth science content. The Big Bang theory - The Universe - OCR Gateway - BBC Bitesize endobj The Big Bang Theory: Quiz & Worksheet for Kids | When scientists first, proposed the hypothesis of universal expansion, they needed to find evidence to support it to change, their hypothesis into a theory. tqX)I)B>== 9. Practice Cambridge IELTS 10 Reading Test 02 with Answer 3R `j[~ : w! 0000011114 00000 n 0000091135 00000 n 1. With much observation and experimentation, scientists created a theory called the Big Bang Theory. 0000001870 00000 n 0000019009 00000 n The Big Bang Theory is the effort to explain what happened at the beginning of our universe. The Luminous Fi 229 uses lukhina The Big Bang Theory 1.5. 0000034997 00000 n 1 0 obj Remote-Learning-Plan-22ndand23rdFeb-2021.pdf . 0000000861 00000 n 0000008466 00000 n Why do galaxies appear to be moving away from us? 2. 0000026031 00000 n What is the, This reading comprehension passage is about Universe.This includes a reading passage and 10 multiple choice questions.This passage discusses questions like:What is the universe? PDF Exploring the Big Bang Theory Science Resource Big Bang Comprehension Teaching Resources | TPT - TeachersPayTeachers Reported resources will be reviewed by our team. 0000101805 00000 n What is Black Hole? 0000084992 00000 n All we really know is that we are inside of it and at one time it didn't exist and neither did we. 0000098748 00000 n endobj endobj Download now of 2 The beginning of everything 1. 0000030931 00000 n 0000094961 00000 n 0000087224 00000 n The Big Bang theory has now been proven to be true. According to the many experts however, space did not exist prior to the Big Bang. 0000096457 00000 n 0000002390 00000 n This reading comprehension passage is about Big Bang Theory. 0000101465 00000 n Almost all astronomers agree on the theory of the Big Bang, that the entire Universe is spreading apart, with distant galaxies speeding away from us in all directions. In the. matter, 380000 years after the Big Bang. Questions 18-22. 0000096821 00000 n V!vp]#*DsG:U:HF]pY1\*/@}\(. trailer 0000092030 00000 n 0000037283 00000 n 0000094674 00000 n What is singularity? 0000088241 00000 n It continues daily to expand and cool as we reside within it.