Thailand The Saladin was used by B Sqn 16/5 Lancers during their defence of Nicosia airport in 1974 and subsequent armed recce operations under the banner of the UN. [2], The Saladin also spawned an armoured personnel carrier counterpart, the Alvis Saracen.[2]. Due to the situation in Malaya in the late 1940s work was accelerated on the Saracen, which was urgently required at the expense of the first vehicle in the series the Saladin armoured car. TheSaladinwas a six-wheeledarmoured carbuilt byAlvis, and fitted with a 76mm gun and was used by the 14th/20th Kings Hussars in Libya (1960s), Singapore (1970), Hong Kong (1970 1973) and Northern Ireland (1973). Early in January 1967 the dissidents attacked the camp at Habilayn one night: twenty-eight belts of Browning and forty-six rounds of 76mm were fired, and the attack was beaten off. Alvis Saladin - Wikipedia This was later redesignated the Medium Reconnaissance Vehicle (MRV).[8]. AKA FV 603C Everetts machine gun had been put out of action and his gun sight smashed. The squadrons tasks consisted of an escort by one troop of the daily convoy of twenty to thirty three-tonners which plied between Simmangang and Kuching; secondly, to dominate the border area by patrolling with the help of Iban trackers, and laying of ambushes; thirdly to gain the support of the local tribesmen and encourage them to assist the security forces; and fourthly for the Saladin armoured cars to give fire support with their 76mm guns and machine guns to the infantry patrols operating in the border area. The Pig saw service with the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) chiefly as an armoured personnel carrier from late 1958 until early 1970. Saladin Armoured Car FV 601 - Norfolk Tank Museum "First time @NAM_London today. The Pig saw service with the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) chiefly as an armoured personnel carrier from late 1958 until early 1970. The Saladin shared many common components with the Saracen armoured personnel carrier, Stalwart high mobility load carrier and Salamander fire tender. Osprey New Vanguard: Riot Control Vehicles - 1945 present by Chris McNab, page 18. Single language only. On the lighter side, the Regiment refurbished the football grounds and provided equipment in the form of strips and footballs and took on the locals. The next two weeks were spent training and acclimatising based 130 kms north of Al Jubail at Manifa Bay. This task was not easy, but huge inroads were made into the basic requirements needed by so many people. When the sound of firing was heard, he moved along Queen Arwa Road into Crater towards the scene of the ambush, with some infantry following in an armoured personnel carrier. Sri Lankan civil war Lieutenant Jenkins troop went to Champion Lines and came under heavy small-arms fire. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. British Army Saladin Armoured Car used mainly for border patrol during The Troubles, Northern Ireland, 1972 Photographer Alain Le Garsmeur Medium photograph Description WEAPONS OF ULSTER - FEBRUARY 1972. One as the Gate Guard and the second (on display) is in running condition. In July 1981 five young crewmen of a Saracen lost their lives in South Armagh, protecting law abiding citizens in the community there, when a culvert bomb exploded beneath their armoured vehicle, completely destroying it.