If you have more that three frequencies which need 'attention' you have more problems than an equalizer is going to fix! You simply select the needed frequency, boost or notch that frequency and set the bandwidth as to how wide you need to affect. The iC element also works tremendously well with the modern types of Icom rigs, making it an ideal all-around microphone. Don't forget to push and hold MENU for 2 seconds to exit and store new settings ! FTDX101D@groups.io | FTDX101 EQ settings No you are correct. Please submit any Amateur Radio related news or stories that you would like to see, here on eHam.net. We are already getting a lot of questions about the best settings for the onboard DSP microphone equalizer. I use the RA200 with an Icom 7300 and get great results with no "dog house" box. Ham Radio . I spoke into the mike at a normal voice level from about 6 inches away. Set Menu #13 (Bandwidth) to 2.4 kHz, and Menu #14 (TX EQ High Boost) to H for most applications. ThePRO 7-iChas the appropriate cable included and will sound wonderful with a 7300. Copyright 2023 Heil Sound Communications, Inc. Try mic gain at 30 and processor at 25 and talk about 3-4" from the mic. You may find it easier to get additional talk power, without distortion, by leaving the processor off and utilizing the 400-2600 Hz transmit bandwidth, perhaps with a little additional mic gain thrown in. Save the file. The FTDX-9000 is a groundbreaking HF/50 MHz Elite Class Transceiver from the YAESU Engineering Team. Cutting these frequencies will reduce intelligibility. If Using external EQ, turn internal OFF. There are parametric EQ's in several Yaesu rigs, and it's great to have a good explanation of how they work, and how they should be set up for "communications audio". FT 857 D FT 817Menu 46 DSP High Pass filter Default at 100. Kenwood HF transceivers have long been designed for dynamic microphone inputs, so the microphone amplifier stages have plenty of gain to accommodate the wide range of Heil dynamic microphones. You're right, 'it ain't rocket science' & i use the transmit monitor to listen to myself as well. RE: Setting Up The YAESU FT-950 TX EQ; I used my Yaesu FT950 with the MD-1 mic which I had set on position 2. When using the PR 781 microphone with the FT-950, we recommend you set Menu #65 and #66 (Carrier Shift) to +200 Hz to remove some of the bass response. I swapped out the mic cable with RG-174 and connected the mic cable's braid to the 8-pin connector's shell instead of the mic ground pin. Investing in outboard gear has become common place. You will perhaps want to change the frequencies of the first two filters if you are using an HC 4 or HC 5 element which is much narrower in response than the above microphones but start hear and see how this affects your transmitted signal. In almost all cases when a person using a newer radio had RF in his audio we were able to eliminate the RF by removing the jumper wire. The first and most important adjustment will be the transmit bandwidth. Another checkbook issue. ??? The first low-frequency filter removes all of that low-end bass that destroys so many signals. You only have control to either cut or boost the filter frequency they build into the transmitter. Key the rig just long enough to take a reading. A Parametric EQ is just as the term implies. 73
Excellent on SSB, works great on AM and FM and covers the digital modes.For the iC 7300 we recommend theiCMor any of theheadsetswith the iC element. It was found through testing that when both are set at the same levels, the radio power output is 2.5 times greater with the processor "on" verses the processor "off". The MH-31b can sound decent with the proper settings. This was written up in the Technical Correspondence column in the April 1997 QST. Follow this guide for simple instructions on how to get your rig set up so that you sound great on the air. Settings - w2ihy Technologies Rag chewers HATE a contest sound and a rag chewer sound doesn't work in a pileup. Yaesu FTDX-10. For best results please consult your owners manual. Then select multiple frequencies between 10 and 5000 Hz to get enough data to plot the filter shape on graph paper [frequency verses power output]. The supplied hand microphone as ALL hand mics, sounds hollow and mushy. there's an adapter that plugs right into the radio. I did have to make an aircraft mic to 1/8 stereo cable. The iCOM 718 is a terrific value. That sounds like a broadcast station. Now to get acceptable audio spend an almost equal amount of money. To increase high-frequency articulation, without rolling off lows or mid-range, use selection 4.See page 81 of the Operating Manual for details. You are the station engineer. They have lots of bass, no mids, no articulate highs so they end up sounding like mush. Listening to the monitor mode I'm not hearing it but then again, I'm not at the other end of the transmission. Microphones like the GM series, Heritage, Classic 4/5 Handi Mic 4/5, and the HM-10 Dual sound great on modern Icom rigs. Or leave it off. All of the late model Yaesu starting with the FT 9000 through the 101 uses the same Parametric equalizer. Second, are the low-gain models (earlier designs like the IC-735/745/751/761/765/781, non-Pro 746/756, all 706 models, and the 7000, 7100, and 7200. This project involves a management team of volunteers who each take a topic of interest and manage it with passion. One thing Bob said that makes a lot of sense. YOU have to make the final decision by listening to your own signal. Just put the connector on, and set Mic gain, and tweak the EQ wearing phones and listening to the Moni channel. Sometimes i`m asked how to adjust the EQ settings of Yaesu rigs. Only took a few minutes to get the EQ set for my voice. Oddly, the word gain doesn't appear in the text. CUT that filter -15 dB Menu 092 Notch or Boost
The same button turns the Compression On or Off also is used to adjust the Transmit Bandwidth Filter.