so when is this save editor gonna be updated for 1.20? i want gogeta super saiyan 4 Just read the comments and youll get the answer. But now its for you: Dude Shut Up lmao. When I edit a score, it wont remain changed and will swap back to 0. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\196252890\323470\remote\DBXV21. even if you select them to unlock you cant use them and they will not be visible in game you can only use them by selecting them in your presets in save editor and not changing skills from the skill menu in game and dont ty it they are buggy and might crash the game. I know a way to help you with this problem, as you dont have a SAVE FILE anymore. Its my first day of modding and I cant find my save file. This was a free content update, it made it so you cant even load the data in the old version. idc bro the guy takes so long to update it every time, This guy doesnt owe you shit youre just selfish. I understand that, but when everyone is asking the same questions, and the answer is just wait, itll come out. It just gets redundant and bloats the comments making it hard to get anything out of them. I changed my attribute stats in the save editor, but when I check in game the stats havent changed. So fair warning dont edit attributes,everything else is pretty safe . Please do not report issues encountered while playing with this version as they may already be fixed in the latest release. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. close. The one that we have does not include the last 2 DLCs and its a fairly short game with only 3 DLCs (save editor only supports DLC 1, not DLC 2 or 3). They dont even bother checking other comments regarding the update or issues encountered. I can open the save files, but they cannot be saved. I add a skill like Darkness Mixer into one of my presets or even check it as unlocked, and nothing happens! I unlocked most of the Bardock and Gine outfits, but theyre invisible, with just the id number shown. [US][EU] [PS4 Save Progression] - Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Modded Save Ive already bought the DLC obviously, no shit. Q: Why isn't costume X or skill Y included? Even though this save file is completely different. ITS A FREE EDITOR SO IF YOU CANT WAIT THEN PAY SOMEONE TO DO AN UPDATED VERSION FOR YOU. When unlocking skills, none appear, it stays as Unknown skill (in version 1.19.1). Maybe Im missing something here? also the Save Editor isnt updated. Modding xenoverse 2 on ps4 : r/DragonBallXenoverse2 - Reddit The decrypted save file cannot be opened with save editors that are meant for PC/XBone/PS4 versions. when i try to go to the bin section and find the game i cant find it so i cant even choose it how do i fix it. Where even is the rar file? this has nothing to do with you i was speaking to the person that deleted there commet you werido your a grown man go get a life TOLNIN your freak. Glad to see I was wrongWelcome back lazybone! Modded God Of War Ragnarok starter save, 14. Any installed skill, character and quest mods are automatically supported by the editor, so long as the game directory has been set correctly (If it never asks for the directory then that just means the editor found it by itself). For a full list of currently supported games scroll down. Can you not get the Customization Unlock Keys if your . Not true, look at KG971 youtube, he charges people to mod xenoverse 2 on ps4. No one knows if this will get an update. I cant seem to find the skills from the supreme kai of time, me da un error al darle a save acceso denegado a la ruta de acceso. Hi uhh i have a question i used save editor to save work but in the game the stat look work but when in fighting it just keep like you havent put point in any stat the dmg or ki bar or stamina bar is still the same and the stat limit is only 100 not 125 even i already put all quest unlocked but i cant access guru do you guys know how to fix that? Yes, this is it, the thing thats gonna turn it all around, my depression will finally leave my body. Load Failed. whats it mean and how can i fix it? lazybone would probably release it in a week or two if hes developing a new version, hi man thanks for post this mod cant wait for the next update, pls actualizalo para la version 120 T.T actualic el juego y ahora no puedo usar mi savedata T.T, Hey this isnt working after the current update. LOL, cant play the game without the save editor? So 20+ -0 or 22+ -2, etc. This save editor is not used. They think spamming please update or having issues with the save editor will make the update faster. So this just recently happened, but when ever i make a change with the save editor; its not applied in game. Bonjour juste pour info, comptez vous faire la mise a jour rcemment ? its at the end of the right tab. when i changed the story missions its reset my missions to 0, For some reason my difectory save thing wont show up at all and i have to skip the step just to get it to work. ! Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Modded Saves For PS4 Mark DLR 378 subscribers Subscribe Share 10K views 1 year ago Feel free to try all the saves i have listed there, all should be for PS4 on For. Skills marked with * are just ones that Cacs cant use because they belong to main characters, for example *Kamehameha is the Kamehameha skill used by Goku for the partner customization, and then there are skills bound to certain characters that only they can use like 1st form Cell with Zetsumei Bullet, or Android 17 with Smile Charge. In the game he does not assign them to me why? Now where's those hidden stash of nudes you've drawn. Can you add support for customize mentors that can be obtened from keys ? We are sorry, but this section of our site is for Registered Users Only. Expected 913912 but bound 722968. If not, go to the settings in the save editor and make sure you chose the right folder for the games source directory. Furthermore, any edits I attempt to make change nothing in-game. whenever i try to upload my save, it says: Unsupported Save Version. Thanks again, appreciate it. The reason give by the system is: Unsupported save version. :/, will there be an update to add the new techniques of the new dlc. Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. all i see on Installation tab is The save editor requires .NET Framework 4.7 to be installed. 18. When I select my CAC the game crash, why?? Does anyone know if this is updated to work with the latest update for legendary pack 1? (some)People have lives. How can i resolve this? File Type: (Zip file) Comments: 4. Hello I download it and I saw the bar that usually shows the name were totally blanked. Anyone know about him? Nov 15, 2020 Version: CUSA350 File Size: 2.72 MB File Type: (Zip file) Comments: 32 Downloads: 2,369 Views: 36,399 Related Forum: PlayStation Forum As of version 2.1, there are some errors. This has been an issue for a while but it seems theres an problem with the voices not being correctly listed; in-game theres 15 voices for a character, the editor only has 12 and seems to be offset by one ex. A: No skill, costume, quest or anything else is included. I never used any mod just the save editor, i gave myself the 5 new customization keys and they appear in my inventory but i cant customize the characters.