By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Usage import { ExternalLink } from '@wordpress/components'; const MyExternalLink = () => ( <ExternalLink href=""></ExternalLink> ); Top Props The component accepts the following props. Thankfully, there is a WordPress plugin called WP External Links that resolves this issue by allowing you to define the default target attributes of links throughout your website. This will provide a more consistent experience for your users, so its a good idea to go ahead and click on the Overwrite existing values box. For example, it can automatically add nofollow to all external links in WordPress. This is going to look like black hat stuff and external links likely to get you in trouble. Thanks for choosing to leave a comment. This means if you click on some of our links, then we may earn a commission. I never faced any bugs or errors when using WP External Links and the plugin does exactly what it promises to do. Thank you for your plugin. Thank you to the translators for their contributions. The more information you include the better. Most of them are premium popups except the one called External Link Notice Pop-up.. But It is still not working on mobile themes Some examples of external content are images, linked media, data connections, and templates. Everything works as it should. How to Display a Leaving Notice Popup For External Links on WordPress Your modifications will stay even after plugin upgrade! The plugin could set the value to external, internal or exclude, meaning how the Once you have this plugin installed and configured, you can manage any broken links from within the plugin interface. I seen it on so many sites, specially government sites. warning message for external links How do you make those "you are going to a link that is outside our network, we are not responsible for it's content". Can my creature spell be countered if I cast a split second spell after it? By default, WP External Links will apply this rule to every new external link that you create. That is, afterall, what it was created for. Fixed internationalization, added Belarusian language. A big part of search engine optimisation involves managing internal and external hyperlinks on your website. Displaying an external link popup ensures that your visitors are warned about leaving the site and can choose to stay back on it. Get FREE access to our toolkit a collection of WordPress related products and resources that every professional should have! Theres an option for ignoring links containing a certain class (under tab Exceptions). Fixed rel=follow feature. On the left-hand admin panel click on External Links. ExternalLink Edit Link to an external resource. The only downside to this is that if you stop using the plugin, you may have to go back and manually change links in articles later. External link warning - [oik] plugins location.href='', So, on click, you could have that function run and set that location instead of do a warning. Clicking on the settings cog at the side of the URL field brings up the Link Options box. I have written for many popular websites over the years and the vast majority of websites ask authors to set all external links to open in new browser windows and tabs.