Guardian Dogs for Sheep - Cornell Small Farms No, please dont. When it comes to stamina, both the German Shepherd and the coyote can pursue a target for extended periods without tiring. And the breeds name in the U.S. is Great Pyrenees. Despite being only a 20-month-old Great Pyrenees, the livestock herding dog at a home in Decatur displayed his heroic actions by protecting a herd of sheep last In most cases, coyotes will steer clear of confrontation altogether. Casper lost his tail, along with large patches of skin and fur, but the coyotes lost way more. The health of the ecosystem is crucial to our well-being. If you've never seen a Pyrenees attack something it's hard to describe, but it's generally to the death one way or another. Still, coyotes have an advantage over German Shepherds, Read More Will A Coyote Attack A German Shepherd?Complete InformationContinue, Yes! Wierwiller wrote on Facebook that he took Casper to emergency veterinarians in critical condition. And it also means they wont back down until they feel the Coyote is no longer a threat. Caspers fight against the pack of coyotes lasted over half an hour, his owner, John Wierwiller, told Fox 5. Wierwiller said, He was kinda looking at me like, Boss, stop looking at how bad I look, just take care of me.. Males range from 24 to 26 (60-65 cm) and weigh between 66-88 pounds (30-40 kg). Casper, a 20-month-old Great Pyrenees, fought Casper defended the sheep furiously in a fight that left some of his skin and part of his tail torn off, Wierwiller said. Leash your pet if you care about it! The Shepherd has the size and protective instincts on their side, while the coyote has speed and experience. Coyotes also prey on pets, sometimes even killing them to use as food. When walking in areas where coyotes may be present, keep your pets on a leash and close to you. Size: 22 27 inches. Conflicts with coyotes are resolved if these steps are taken, and humans and coyotes can coexist peacefully. He could only hope that his brave dog would survive the incident. Its a common question: Will a Coyote Attack a big dog? Theattack occurredFriday, November 4 at approximately 3:30 a.m. Wierwille, an urban shepherd, observed the pack of approximately 11 coyotes earlier that day, threw rocks at them, and considered the matter closed. They are also known to be territorial, so if they perceive a big dog as a threat to their territory, they may attack. Caspers injuries were so severe he was categorized as critical by LifeLine Animal Clinic personnel. It all started in the cul de sac around 9 p.m. on Nov. 3 when a few coyotes came near the house. Best Dog Breeds For Killing Coyotes They will attack hard enough that the threat backs out of the fight and wont interlope on the Coyotes territory anymore. Were still trying to create utopia by any means necessary and discovering that we are merely the architects of our own misery. All Rights Reserved. German Shepherds are a medium to large breed dog with wolfish body shape, short pointy ears, a long muzzle, and a bushy tail. not properly observed or leashed As he approached closer, Wierwille noticed a few coyotes already inside the pen, with multiple others just beyond it. attack Casper, a 21-month-old Great Pyrenees, is a livestock guardian dog. The two-year-old Great Pyrenees killed a whopping eight coyotes in the group and managed to save all the animals under his care. However, coyotes in the Great Pyrenees are generally shy and timid, so it is unlikely that they would kill a Great Pyrenees. However, the potential buyer was not impressed and said, What are you trying to pull? The undeterred Casper chased them down outside of the fence line, where another fight led to him killing a few more down an embankment to the creek that borders their home, Wierwille said. eight coyotes who gathered in the darkness to pluck a meal from his flock of sheep. Coyotes are afraid of dogs, other animals, and people. The tail of a coyote can grow up to 16 (41 cm) long. But it can also make them brave enough to stand up to a wild coyote. There is an insulating undercoat of fluff, with harsh guard hairs on the outside. "There's not much question about him surviving now, it's a question about what his quality of life will be," he said. Brave sheepdog kills 8 coyotes trying to catch his flock: meet Great Pyrenees Attacks Pack of Coyotes to Protect In most cases, a coyote will not fight to kill anything they deem a threat. Coyotes have life experience on their side. But if a younger German Shepherd attempts to take on a seasoned, full-grown coyote, the Shepherd could be at a disadvantage, allowing the Coyote to win. Great Pyrenees vs Coyote - YouTube If a scuffle occurs between a coyote and a German Shepherd, most times, a Shepherd will turn tail and run to safety instead of continuing to fight. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Do Light Scare The Coyotes? There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to protect your dog from coyotes depends on the specific situation. Stories like this make the horrors of animal experimentation seem even more repulsive. First, coyotes are predators. I know they look big. Required fields are marked *. A coyote attacking a dog is not uncommon and can often lead to severe injury or even death. "But they weren't responding [to me], they were focused on Casper I think more than anything.". There is no definitive answer to this question as the Great Pyrenees may kill coyotes, depending on their environment and behavior. However, if the German Shepherd stays to fight, it will take a lot of damage to make the Shepherd feel enough pain to give up. A 20-month-old Great Pyrenees with one blue eye recently put his life on the line to save a flock of sheep from a pack of coyotes near Decatur, Georgia. Download for tips on how to be the best dog owner you can be. But, this grotesque callousness is a product of a mechanistic, Darwinian world view, and creates a proclivity to view nature as mere slag in a hellish iron-works, churning out beams for the modern iteration of the utopian Tower of Babel. However, early the next morning, he heard Casper and his other dog Daisy barking outside. Hes expected to make a full recovery, but with just a stump for a tail.